I might be the first one of China

[Short News] With Rob Matson's very help, I was able to detect my QY5A1A up to five nights.
QY5A1A was discovered on Octo.1, and it had been put into X-asteroid list because the shortage of observations, I only had two nighters before Rob detected the other three.
Now I've sent it to MPC and wait for their response. If it is, I will be the first on in China in NEAT region, and the first one in China who have discovered SOHO, FMO and NEAT.
Thanks very much to Rob, and crossing fingers for its designation.
(note: More info will be out after the object gets designation)

News... Octo.8


Hello all, there're some news come out here...
1. Because I'm very busy these days, the upgrade of our model will delay (actually I think the current one works well).
2. Because of the National Day holiday, on Octo.8/9 I have to be at school. My next holiday is Octo.16 (Sunday), so I'll process all the new requests on Octo.16.
Thank you for your understanding,
7Timer! Group.