7Timer!-Seeing Project今日进展

今天8点钟就起来研究,到了现在又是12个小时了,汗…… 似乎进展不大。今日的进展有:

  • 昨天的目标都达到了
  • 100mb到850mb,以50mb为高度差进行了计算
  • 整体框架已经基本构建好,指令已基本写好


  • 算的结果在域(12,34)之内,不符合预定标准
  • CT2值偏差了4个数量级


  • CT2->CN2转换应该问题不大,因为所差数量级(8-10个数量级)和NODE171论文偏差差不多。
  • 重点研究CT2为何偏差那么大的数量级,估计关键在此
  • 若检验之后,仍无法纠正CT2的数量级问题,解决办法有2:1.乘一个转换系数;2.把NODE171号文的sample做一个模型函数代入之。
  • 如果还是得不出正常结果,将Surface/2M差代入校正
  • 如果还得不出正常结果,到时再说

今天挫折也不少。下午休息时发现GFS放出了精度为55公里的数据,高兴坏了,可一弄才发现用的是GRIB2编码,而现在的GrADS 1.9根本不支持GRIB2,网上搜索了一下,办法是有的,但似乎太麻烦,没办法,只好不管了,去动力论坛发了一个询问贴。为了这个,浪费了1个小时左右。

[FW] Funny story of asteroid hunting

You know you are an amateur asteroid astrometrist when....

1) Your spouse checks MPECs to see where you were last night and who you were with.
2) You would like to see all stars not in the A 2.0 or UCAC removed from the sky.
3) Until you decide on a name, your newborn  baby gets a provisional designation.
4) If the police ask you, 'where were you on the night of.......' you check NEODys.
5) You refer to galaxies as 'the vermin of the skies'
6) You plan vacations and weddings to coincide with the full moon.
7) Your spouse wonders why you are so interested in One Night Stands.
8) When relatives send you family photos, you blink them to see if they've had any more kids.
9) At workshops you have no idea to whom you are talking until they mention their MPC code.
10) You check your bank statements for residuals
11) Your job is an annoying thing you have to do to finance your real work.
12) You love winter because the nights are long and the ecliptic high up.
13) You love august because the big surveys are rained out.
14) MPC issue day is the high point of your month
15) You ridicule your kids for playing computer games all day, then do exactly the same thing all night.
16) You spend 2 hours measuring the exact position of a 20th magnitude piece of noise before deciding not to send it in.
17) You dream of retirement so you can devote even more time to your hobby.
18) Asteroids II is your preferred bedside reading
19) You will happily relocate your entire family and change jobs for clearer skies.
20) You can find a small object at 400.000.000 miles but can't find your car keys.

Matt Dawson - MPML 2001