Recent status of 7Timer! development
Apr 10th
Hi all,
I apologize -- the pause of development is long enough, I realized this last night by checking the "7Timer!" category on my blog, indeed, nothing has been done after January 21 (the lastest development update). In Feburary I went to Australia, then in March I was busying developing the OVOR, an important program for the survey work of Lulin Sky Survey (to be exactly, it's written for the survey of transients), meanwhile my undergrad study had problems... hydrodynamics and mathmatic-physic method just drove me mad. What a mass...
Anyway, OVOR was able to be released as a beta version yesterday, and then I can come back for 7Timer!. I apologize for you all, especially for those who had wait for such a long time.
As the plan is, I'm now working on the 72-hour astronomical forecast part. I'll not given any expect date this time -- just let you know that the workload is not small. I have to write the module from ground-up this time, as the new 7Timer! will generally using ACSII->php graph, totally different from GrADS direct graph output as now it uses.
Anyway I'll keep you update.
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