Anecdotes on astronomy
Dec 6th
Hsi and Ho
The first report of a solar eclipse appeared in Chinese records. The eclipse came without warning, according to legend, because the royal astronomers, Hsi and Ho, were too drunk to make the necessary computations. For this dereliction of duty they were promptly executed.
I have never heard about such a fact -- however this is quoted from Isaac Asimov so it should be reliable.
Peaceful eclipse
On May 28, 585 BC, as the Medes and Lydians were advancing into battle, the sun was suddenly blotted from the sky by an eclipse. Both sides were so frightened that they packed up their equipment and promptly went home.
According to the historian Herodotus, Thales had used his knowledge of Babylonian astronomy to forecast this (solar) eclipse.
Astronomer curate
The English astronomer Jeremiah Horrocks was also a curate. One day he calculated that the next transit of Venus across the sun would occur on November 24, 1639 - which fell on a Sunday. On the historic day, Horrocks plowed through his services with extraordinary speed before racing off through the fields to his instruments. Horrocks arrived just in time to make his crucial observations.
Before the 2007's partial eclipse (on March 19) took place, I was on presentation of an English class. I, too, finished with speed (though not "extraordinary") and asked the professor if I can leave for the eclipse. My request was approved and I rushed back to dormitary for my instruments.
Stellar insight
One day during the Peloponnesian War, as Pericles was setting out to sea, an eclipse occurred and the ship's captain became too frightened to proceed. Pericles stepped forward, removed his cloak, and threw it over the captain's head.
"Does this frighten you?" he asked. "No," the captain replied. "Then what difference is there between the two events," Pericles asked, "except that the sun is covered by a larger object than my cloak?"
Columbus's magic
While anchored off Jamaica in 1504, Christopher Columbus found himself in dire straits. Though his supplies were running low, the Jamaican Indians refused to sell him any more food. Consulting his almanac, Columbus noticed that a lunar eclipse was due a few days later. On the appointed day, he summoned the Jamaican leaders and warned them that he would blot out the moon that very evening if his demands for food were not promptly met. The Jamaicans only laughed at him - until later that night when the eclipse began. As the moon disappeared before their eyes, they visited Columbus in a state of terror, whereupon he agreed to stop his magic in exchange for food. The offer was accepted and the moon "restored."
Another unconfirmed story is also about an explorer, but I have forgot his name. He wanted to copy Columbus's success and told the aborigine that the moon will be blotted out in the evening. "Oh, don't worry," the aborigine replied, "it will restored automatically."
Cannelloni on Mars!
One day in 1877, it was reported that Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli had observed, through his telescope, canals on the surface of Mars. This apparent evidence of the existence of a Martian civilisation inspired H. G. Wells to write The War of the Worlds, which, in turn, inspired Orson Welles's famous radio news bulletin hoax (which led thousands of listeners across America to believe that they were actually listening to the live report of a martian invasion).
The ultimate cause of all the excitement? Schiaparelli's report of Martian channels ("canali"), possibly carved by ancient rivers or glaciers, was mistranslated into English as "canals." Despite Schiaparelli's protestations, many astronomers latched onto the notion of life on Mars, and public interest naturally exploded.
Wise guy
Alfonso the Wise was famed for his patronage of the arts and sciences, for his revision of the Castilian legal code, for his sponsorship of the translation of many Arabic works, and for his compilation of the "Alfonsine Tables" (which, published on the date of his accession to the throne, remained the most authoritative planetary tables in existence for some three hundred years).
Because they were based upon a (then-prevalent but erroneous) Ptolemaic (geocentric) scheme, however, many complicated calculations were required to render the tables usable. Indeed, Alfonso is said to have remarked that, had God consulted him during the six days of creation, he might have recommended a less complicated design.
A good excuse when being not able to solve mathematic problems...
Space cadet
In 2003, NASA's John Rummel became the agency's official "planetary protection officer." His responsibility? To safeguard Earth from alien life-forms by quarantining extraterrestrial samples until they are proven safe for scientific study, and to safeguard the rest of the solar system from cross-contamination with Earth's microorganisms (which could inadvertently be transported by space probes).
Rummel was serious about his mandate, and had his department's motto printed on bumper stickers: "All of the planets, all of the time."
"What we worry about, of course, is not that we would find a virus that is predisposed to parasitize organisms," Rummel explained, "but something that might have a way of life that might not be recognized by our defence mechanisms. The unknown unknowns are the ones that will get you."
Mi Fa Mi
Johannes Kepler inherited incredibly accurate astronomical records from his mentor Tycho Brahe and in 1610 began to use telescopes to make observations of his own - observations which led both to his three laws of planetary motion and to his support of Copernicus' heliocentric model of the solar system.
Oddly, Kepler also believed in the Pythagorean theory that each planet emitted characteristic notes (the "music of the spheres"). The notes sounded by Earth, according to Kepler? Mi, fa, and mi - indicating misery, famine... and misery.
"We now believe," string theorist Michio Kaku declared some 400 years later, "that the mind of God is music resonating through 10-dimensional hyperspace." Indeed, in May 2001, three groups of scientists produced evidence that the Big Bang yielded a series of low tones (dubbed the "music of creation"), which still echo through the cosmos.
God love music -- this is not simply an anecdote I think, this is the truth.
Search for Pluto
Clyde Tombaugh's search for a trans-Neptunian planet (one with an orbit beyond that of Neptune) was not an easy one. Tombaugh often found himself at the Lowell Observatory struggling with photographic plates containing as many as 400,000 stars. His mission? To painstakingly compare several such plates - and see whether any of the dots had moved.
With computer, my task is much more easier than poor Tombaugh. However, I have never been able to spot a 13.9mag. new asteroid! (Or, "plutoid")
Swift's prediction
1726 saw the appearance of Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels, a fictional work containing the following passage: "They [the Laputians] have likewise discovered two lesser stars, or satellites, which revolve about Mars, whereof the innermost is distant from the center of the primary planet exactly three of its diameters, and the outermost five; the former revolves in the space of ten hours, and the latter in twenty-one and a half; so that the squares of their periodical times are very near the same proportion with the cubes of their distance from the center of Mars, which evidently shows them to be governed by the same law of gravitation that influences the other heavenly bodies."
Incredibly, Swift accurately described the two moons of Mars - more than 150 years before they were discovered.
Deep thought
Scientists in Cambridge spent three years calculating one of the fundamental keys to the universe - The Hubble Constant [the velocity at which a typical galaxy is receding from Earth divided by its distance from Earth] that determines the age of the universe. This process mirrored a passage in [Douglas Adams's] cult science fiction novel and radio series 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' in which an alien race programs a computer called Deep Thought to provide the ultimate answer to understanding life and the universe.
In the novel, seven and a half million years later Deep Thought comes back with the result, 42.
In an extraordinary coincidence when the Cambridge scientists finally calculated the Hubble Constant they found the answer was also 42.
"It caused quite a few laughs when we arrived at the figure 42," Dr Keith Grange later recalled, "because we're all great fans of The Hitchhiker's Guide!" (Sadly, estimates of the Hubble Constant now range between 57 and 78 kilometers per second per megaparsec.)
Ronald Knox once found himself embroiled in a theological argument with the scientist John Scott Haldane. "In a universe containing millions of planets," Haldane asked, "is it not inevitable that life should appear on at least one of them?"
"Sir," Knox replied, "if Scotland Yard found a body in your cabin trunk, would you tell them: 'There are millions of trunks in the world - surely one of them must contain a body?' I think they would still want to know who put it there!"
A good reason of why we are doing astronomy -- and science!
Eddington's turtle and elephant
While delivering a lecture on cosmology one day, Sir Arthur Eddington gave a brief overview of the early theories of the universe. Among others, he mentioned the Indian belief that the world rested on the back of a giant turtle, adding that it was not a particularly useful model as it failed to explain what the turtle itself was resting on.
Following the lecture Eddington was approached by an elderly lady. "You are very clever, young man, very clever," she forcefully declared, "but there is something you do not understand about Indian cosmology: it's turtles all the way down!"
Eddington once gave his Cambridge students an examination question involving "a perfectly spherical elephant, whose mass may be neglected..."
I have read about Eddington's turtle on Hawking's A brief history of Time (I am not sure if I type it right), but it is slightly different from the one here. However, I prefer this one as it is more enjoyable.
These anecdotes are citing from
Dec 4th
Meteorological anecdotes
Dec 3rd
Fishy forecast
During a weather forecast in October 1987, British meteorologist Michael Fish told viewers that "a woman rang to say she'd heard there was a hurricane on the way. Well, don't worry," he continued, "there isn't." Brushing aside the amateur's forecast with a chuckle, Fish promised "sea breezes" and a "showery airflow."
Britain was promptly hit by 120 mph winds which ripped up 300 miles of power cables, plunged a quarter of the country into darkness, blocked 200 roads with fallen branches, downed 25 per cent of the trees in Kent and stopped all rail traffic in the south for twenty-four hours. An ambulance at Hayling island was hit by a yacht floating across the road and the Meteorological Office called it the worst hurricane since 1703.
Fish's spokesman later explained: "It's really all a question of detail." In fact, technically, Fish was correct. It was not a hurricane, but an intense North Atlantic depression. "We don't get hurricanes in the West Country," one observer explained. "We get hurricane force winds."
Pat Robertson & Hurricane Gloria
In 1985, with Hurricane Gloria headed toward the east coast, televangelist Pat Robertson promptly went on the air to pray. "In the name of Jesus," he declared, "we command you to stop where you are and move northeast, away from land, and away from harm."
Incredibly, the hurricane did in fact begin to head northeast. Robertson's claims to have changed the course of the hurricane were met with considerable scorn, however, particularly in Long Island - which lies to the northeast of Robertson's native Virginia and was devastated by Gloria after she changed course.
Pat Sajak: Weatherman
Though Pat Sajak got his start as a weatherman, it was hardly the fulfillment of a lifelong dream. "Most of the things I've done in broadcasting, I never had any intention of doing," he later confessed. "I did the weather in Nashville and Los Angeles, and to this day I couldn't tell you what a cold front is!"
Quanzhi's note: a very good excuse for our meteorological students if professor asks about the definition of cold front or something else!
Court astrologers
According to Marco Polo, Kublai Khan maintained some 5,000 court astrologers, whose duties included the hazardous task of weather prediction. Why so many? Guessing wrong, he explained, could lead to "early retirement."
Quanzhi's note: I have never heard this fact before! Thankfully I have no interest to be a meteorologist in future at the moment.
These pieces of anecdotes are citing from Surprisingly only a few meteorlogy-related entries were found, I guess that is because meteorlogist has made too much wrong predictions so people have got used to it. Well, I'm not blaming meteorlogists Weather forecast is indeed a challenging topic and we have made significant progress on it over the last a few decades.
Dec 2nd
初稿 2008年12月2日
[转载] 物理学界逸事
Dec 1st
- 有一年开会,就是那种数学物理学上的牛人们去开的那种会。会场选在了拉斯韦加斯,这和国内选九寨沟什么的一样,都是要找能腐败的地方。我们的小爱同学在那里做了一件很不好的事情,他疯狂的赌钱。然后有个物理学家就评论说,“我从来没想过爱因斯坦也会这样,好像要见不到明天的太阳了似的。”另一个愁容满面,叹了口气说,“我担心的就是这个,我总觉得他的确是知道会有什么事情发生。”
- 爱因斯坦,当年在苏黎世读书的时候,也是满可怜的。他和另外三个学生一起获得了一个叫Fachlehrer的冬冬(大概就是作助教的资格),另外三个人立马就拿到了位置,偏偏小爱没拿到。(另一个学生,爱因斯坦未来的第一任夫人,未能通过Fachlehrer),当时系里管这个的是Weber,好像对爱因斯坦不是很满意,曾经批评爱因斯坦不喜欢听从他人意见(原文是 but you have one great fault, you do let yourself be told anything)。据说爱因斯坦对实验兴趣不大也是跟这个有关。小爱终生对Weber耿耿于怀。当Weber去世的时候(1912),小爱居然写了这样一封信给朋友,信中声称“Weber's death is good for the ETH”。ETH Zurich就是苏黎世理工学院了。
- 一个美国女记者走访爱因斯坦,问道:“依您看,时间和永恒有什么区别呢?” 爱因斯坦答道:“亲爱的女士,如果我有时间给您解释它们之间的区别的话,那么,当你明白的时候,永恒就消失了!”
- 爱因斯坦的二儿子爱德华问:“爸爸,你究竟为什么成了著名人物呢?” 爱因斯坦听后,先是哈哈大笑,然后意味深长地说:“你瞧,甲壳虫在一个球面上爬行,可它意识不到它所走的路是弯的,而我却能意识到。”
- 一天,爱因斯坦在冰上滑了一下,摔倒了。他身边的人忙扶起他,说:“爱因斯坦先生,根据相对论的原理,你并没摔倒,对吗?只是地球在那时忽然倾斜一下?” 爱因斯坦说:“先生,我同意你的说法,可这两种理论对我来说,感觉都是相同的。”
- 20世纪30年代,爱因斯坦有一次在巴黎大学演讲时说:“如果我的相对论证实了,德国会宣布我是个德国人,法国会称我是世界公民。但是,如果我的理论被证明是错的,那么,法国会强调我是个德国人,而德国会说我是个犹太人。”
- 老爱和小爱的故事:广义相对论提出的时候,是爱丁顿带着一帮人趁着日食的时候看看远处的星光会不会被太阳偏折,观测的当晚,老人家紧张的一夜没睡。“他显然不懂相对论,否则,会和我一样安安稳稳的睡觉。无论怎样,广义相对论是对的,不然,我会为仁慈的上帝感到遗憾。” ——小爱对老爱失眠的评价。爱丁顿当时的测量误差和真值差不多大(用现在的话说就是相对不确定性几乎为百分之百),不过他还是发表结果支持爱因斯坦,然后爱因斯坦就成了神。所以你可以想象爱丁顿当时的权威有多大,基本上,天文学家、天体物理学家都是闭着眼睛跟他走。
- 据说有个传说是有人问爱丁顿,说当世只有三个人懂得相对论,爱因斯坦是一个,您是一个。爱丁顿沉默了半天,那人说您不必如此谦虚吧。爱丁顿说,我在想那第三个人是谁。以上故事真实性不可考,不过这个是真实的。当年普朗克劝爱因斯坦去柏林,爱因斯坦推辞说:“相对论不算什么,郎之万说全世界也就12个人懂。”普朗克回答道“可是这12个人至少有八个在柏林”可见当时德国数学物理学研究之强。
- 这位先生是上个世纪少有的天才之一,Pauli同学出生于维也纳一个研究胶体化学的教授的家中,他的教父是著名的马赫先生。马赫先生被爱因斯坦称为相对论的先驱,虽然马赫先生并不给小爱这个面子,声称他对于相对论的相信程度,像他对分子论的相信程度一样。而众所周知,马赫先生极端反对分子论,而这种反对是使那个统计物理的天才波尔兹曼最终绝望而自杀的原因之一。在Pauli 21岁的时候,他为德国的《数学科学百科全书》写了一片长达237页的关于狭义和广义相对论的词条,该文,到今天仍然是该领域的经典文献之一,爱因斯坦曾经评价说,“任何该领域的专家都不会相信,该文出自一个仅21岁的青年之手,作者在文中显示出来的对这个领域的理解力,熟练的数学推导能力,对物理深刻的洞察力,使问题明晰的能力,系统的表述,对语言的把握,对该问题的完整处理,和对其评价,是任何一个人都会感到羡慕。”
- 少数年轻人大约以为这个物理学的王子的名字只是与不相容原理联系在一起,甚至他们以为这个原理只是量子力学的一个推论。实际上,这个原理的提出是在1925年,甚至早于海森堡提出量子力学,Pauli是用他天才的洞察力从浩如烟海的光谱数据中得出的不相容原理,其难度甚至远大过开普勒整理行星轨道的数据。Pauli的贡献遍及当时物理学的各个领域,他参与了量子力学的基础建设,量子场论的基础建设,相对论……Pauli似乎在物理学领域是一个征服者而不是一个殖民者,他大量的工作没有发表,而是遗留在私人信件里。今天我能查到的信件中,我们发现大量这样的例子,他的关于矩阵力学和波动力学的等价性证明是写在给Jordan的信件里,测不准原理首先出现在他给海森堡的信件里,Dirac的泊松括号量子化被Hendrik Kramers 独立发现,而他指出,Pauli早就指出了这种对易关系的表示方法。或许有些天才的生命是注定短暂的,Pauli生于1900年,于1958年去世,仅比他心中帝王晚去世3年,(爱因斯坦1879-1955),他唯一的遗憾就是一生中觉得没有做出像他的king一样伟大的工作。
- Pauli作为一个物理学家,眼光是相当锐利的。比如Feynman说的那个故事,Pauli预言惠勒永远做不出那个什么超前推迟势的量子力学推广(果然他没作出),Feynman事后着实被puali的眼光震惊了。不过Pauli一生最遗憾,他是那个时代公认最聪明的物理学家,却没有做一个划时代的发现。他一生喜欢评论别人的东西,经常是一针见血,不过很可惜,他一生反对错了最重要的两件事情,一个电子自旋,一个宇称不守恒。可能一个人过于敏锐了,对于一些违反常规的想法有一种本能的抵制。
- Pauli的刻薄在圈内无人能敌。做Pauli学生太可怜了,他曾经批评学生的论文, “连错误都算不上。”他对一篇文章最好的评价就是:“这章几乎没有错。”Kronig,最早提出电子自旋的概念,可是拿着论文去找泡利。被骂了一顿,因为Pauli指出计算不符合相对论。于是他们没敢发这篇文章,悲惨啊。海森堡得了Nobel奖以后经常还被他骂的狗血喷头。不过Pauli有一点比较好。他对所有人都很刻薄,不会因人而异。有次小爱作报告,做完了,Pauli起立来了句,“看来爱因斯坦不是很蠢。”
- 后来有人这样说:“Pauli死后,来到天堂见到上帝。上帝把他关于宇宙的设计给Pauli看。Pauli看了半天,挠了挠头,说:“居然找不到什么错。”
- Pauli大概天生不适合作实验。据说他出现在哪里,那里的实验室仪器就会有故障 。有次,某个老大的实验室仪器突然失灵。他们就开玩笑说,今儿Pauli没来这地方啊。后来过了不久,Pauli告诉他们,那天他乘坐的火车在那个时刻在他们的城市短暂停留了一下。
- Pauli年轻的时候大概是他最牛的时候,他和海森堡认识的时候,虽然不一样大,但是海森堡对他当真是言听计从,看来十分崇拜。海森堡刚开始想做相对论方向的工作,Pauli作为已经在相对论方面已经算是一个小专家的人物,他告诉海森堡,“他觉得相对论方面近期的进展是hopeless,但是原子物理方面机会却是大大的。”要是海森堡去做相对论,就不是现在的样子了。
- 关于Pauli和爱因斯坦的地位:对于所有人来说,小爱在上一世纪简直就是God。波恩曾经认为,Pauli也许是比爱因斯坦还牛的科学家,不过他又补充说,Pauli完全是另一类人,“在我看来,他不可能像爱因斯坦一样伟大。”那么Pauli是怎么看爱因斯坦的呢?在1945年,Pauli终于拿到了那个他觉得自己20年前就应该拿到的Nobel后,普林斯顿高等研究院为Pauli开了庆祝会,爱因斯坦为此在会上演讲表示祝贺。Pauli后来写信给波恩回忆这一段,说“当时的情景就像物理学的王传位于他的继承者。”Pauli倒是一点都不客气,认为自己就是继承者了。
- 最后补充一点,泡利虽然为人刻薄,语言尖锐,但这并不影响他在同时代物理学家心目中的地位。在那个天才辈出,群雄并起的物理学史上最辉煌的年代,英年早逝的泡利仍然是夜空中最耀眼的几颗巨星之一,以致在他死后很久,当物理学界又有新的进展时,人们还常常想起他,“不知道如果泡利还活着的话,对此又有什么高见。”
- 当博士当的最郁闷的莫过于海森堡。做实验答辩,结果委员会中有老师对他不满,差点没让他毕业 。做理论,老板索菲莫,给了个做不出来的题目,湍流,差点不能完成任务。不过超人毕竟是超人,他在不知道怎么计算精确解的情况下,猜了一个近似解,毕业了。你猜怎样?最后那个结果被证明是正确的。
- 有些人的工作是由于数理功底扎实,水到渠成,但他们从事的问题别人去做也可能成功。但海森堡的研究就非常奇怪,比如他不会严格计算湍流,但是猜出了二维湍流解,最后这个解被林家翘严格证明了,诺伊曼作数值计算也发现他是对的。量子力学的创立也是如此,谁也没想到他能够一开始就完全放弃轨道等经典概念,只从可观测量出发建立量子力学。戈德史密特作过氦光谱的问题,他想用轨道自旋耦合解释,费尽力气也没找到答案,然后海森堡开始做,他从一开始就意识到这可能与反对称波函数有关,结果作出了答案,这好像是反对称波函数的第一次应用。
- 据说海森堡给自己弄了个墓志铭,“He lies somewhere here”。直译就是 “他在这里,且在别处。”明白不确定原理的各位应该都知道这句话的意思。
- 波尔兹曼是伟大的统计物理学家,他对现代的统计物理理论做了奠基性的工作,不幸的是他一生在与自己的学术对手作斗争,被迫不停的宣传原子论;更不幸的是学术上的斗争竟然引入了人身攻击,攻击他的人就包括爱因斯坦很很佩服的马赫;不幸的波尔兹曼最终死于自杀,最大的不幸是他刚死,他的对手就都承认了原子论。
- 伟大的波尔兹曼的墓志铭是一个伟大的公式: S=k*lnW。此公式被认为是物理学中最深刻的公式之一 。
- 波尔兹曼大约上课不喜欢往黑板上写东西,然后学生经常抱怨听不懂。然后学生complain啊,说老大,证明太难了,以后往黑板上写,别光讲,我们记不住。波尔兹曼答应了。第二天,他又在课上开始滔滔不绝,从a变换到b,b到c...最后总结说,大家看这个东西如此简单,就跟1+1=2一样。然后他突然想起对学生的承诺,于是拿起粉笔,在黑板上工工整整地写了“1+1=2”。
- 波尔兹曼生前很少有支持者,年轻的Planck是这少数支持派的一员,但是可怜的Planck,波尔兹曼压根看不起他,认为Planck和自己不是一路。这个故事告诉我们,一张厚脸皮和一颗麻木的心对于科学工作者是多么重要啊。
- 那句有名的话“ if I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”不少年轻孩子都因为这句话觉得牛顿很谦虚。其实这句话很损的。胡克,就是胡克定律那个,一直宣称万有引力是他先发现的,后来牛老大怒了,就给他写了一封信,其中包含了这句话。意思嘛,很明显,是说就算我的发现借鉴了前人的工作,那也只是借鉴了那些巨人的,这跟你有什么关系?看来骂起仗来,物理学家不比其他人差。同样的话还有更有名的爱迪生的“天才是99%的汗水加上1%的灵感。”
- 欧姆同学,就是那个欧姆定律那个,这孩子从小做事认真努力,经过不懈研究,终于得出了欧姆定律 U=I*R,想想在当时,这是多大的发现啊,按理说房子车子票子应该全来了。不幸的是,这个定律实在是太简单了,完美的线性关系,在那些老大们看来,根本不可能。于是Ohm的tenure(职位)不仅没拿到,还被攻击为骗子,Ohm,老实孩子会倒霉的。
- 大家都知道,限于当时的条件,多普勒同学不可能像我们一样运用计算机啊什么的记录下波形文件,然后比较频率。那他怎么办呢?他请了一帮吹小号的坐在火车拉的平板车上,然后请了一帮能听出绝对音高的音乐家坐在铁轨旁,让那帮音乐家用他们的耳朵记录下火车靠近和离开的时候的声音。多普勒公式就是这么验证的。牛啊 !
- 他有个最大的毛病,就是喜欢装牛,明明自己也是费尽九牛二虎之力才作出来的。非得装着一晚上想出来的,用来打击别人。不过他也碰上过对手,有次碰上个速算的牛人,从此他知道在某些人面前不能吹牛的。
- 他有次跟个朋友参加聚会,他路上抱怨说自己为盛名所累,讨厌人围着,他朋友安慰他说今天没有物理圈的,我不说,没人知道你得过Nobel,于是他朋友很老实的。遵守诺言,可是宴会开到一半,几乎所有的人都知道Feymann是Nobel了。他朋友很郁闷,找了个人一问,原来是Feymann自己到处说的。
- 关键是Feymann虽然的确不错,但是他自己吹再加上别人帮着吹,吹着吹着就让人受不了了。比如那个所谓的拒领Nobel奖,而且这个家伙明显的大嘴巴,作演讲不管对的错的一块儿来。
- Fermi真的是可以跟爱因斯坦,Bohr比肩的大师,非但目光锐利,善于抓住主要问题,而且思维敏捷,实验理论都是第一流,还会教学生,作为一个物理学家,简直是完美。关于场论,刚开始大家特别糊涂,自己算出来的是什么东西都不知道,只知道算。然后Fermi发了一片文章,结束了混乱。
- Fermi有次在讨论班上讲群伦,他先讲了A ,然后是B ,然后是……讲了老半天,讲到了群的定义。然后学生就抱怨阿,说怎么讲的这么乱, Fermi然后来了句:“群论就是一堆定义的堆砌而已。”
- Fermi对物理学家有自己的分类办法:a、某些他认为自己可以从对方身上学到一点东西的(在50年代的芝加哥,这样的人只有一个,盖尔曼);b、有勇气反对他的人,(不幸的是,Fermi通常认为自己是对的);c、能够几乎自动的接受他的想法的人,这种人可以做助手。
- 有关轨道自旋耦合还有一个Fermi的故事。Mayer,就是那个女物理学家,牛人。企图解释原子核的壳层模型,怎么都不成功,去问Fermi,费米问了一句,你考虑过自旋轨道耦合没有?Mayer去做,成功了!
- 费米的轶事多不胜数,搞原子弹的时候,很多东东涉及保密,人手一个密码柜,结果很多人经常忘了密码,或者本人正好不在,同事们却要使用他锁起来的资料。当时费米就极擅长开这种密码锁,有一次他去了趟另一个部门,走后该部门就有文件下来:凡是费米碰过的柜子,统统换密码。
- 这个人是属于早慧那种,和费曼一起发现了量子电动力学。据说他十几岁时混得不好,在纽约一个社区大学混日子,但有一天著名物理学家I. I. RabiI和另一个牛人在谈论量子电动力学的问题,Schwinger插话了,“这个少年尖锐的发言结束了这场争论。”Rabi爱才,特意托关系把他招进的Columbia,从此Schwinger一帆风顺……
- Schwinger的数学奇好,写的文章很难看得懂,据说有次场论报告的时候,除了Bohr在那里点头,剩下的人根本不知道他在说什么,但既然波尔在那点头,大家认为就对了,紧接着费曼上去忽悠,这下更糟,连Bohr在内,没一个听懂的,Bohr据说讲了句特尖刻的话:“你应该重学量子力学。”
- Schwinger以超强的算功闻名。有段时间Schwinger在Oppenenheimer那里干活。有两个年轻的物理学家来找奥本海默请教一个问题。此时奥本海默已经进入脱产的老板阶段,就告诉他们这样这样算,回去自己算吧。当天Schwinger狂算了一个晚上,最后就把结果写在一破纸上,塞到一口袋里。过了5、6个月,那两个人回来了,高兴把结果拿给老板看,Oppenenheimer就对Schwinger说你不是早就搞定了吗,你去对一下。Schwinger就回去把所有的衣服翻了遍,终于找到了那个小纸团。对了一下,回来告诉大部分是对的,只差了一个因子。于是Oppenenheimer转身就对那两个家伙说:“你们赶快回去,找找看哪里少了个因子。”看,当老板狂吧?
- Schwinger的工作时间和其他人是正交的。一般他下午5:30去办公室,那时候别人都回家了。所以如果有问题,总是留个条子在他的桌上。一次一个物理学家不太懂BESSEL函数,就留个条子在他的桌上。第二天他发现一本40页的答案。但是他发现这个结果没有物理意义。就又留条子问你是不是弄错了?Schwinger自信地说没问题。这哥们只好自学相关的数学,好长时间自己也弄出来了。再对一下Schwinger的答案,发现Schwinger用错了一个公式。这事很丢面子,于是Schwinger恼火地说:下次再也不到书上抄公式了,用什么一定自己先推一遍。
- Feynman没教出好学生,Schwinger却是个好老师,最著名的有Glashow,在Harvard师从Schwinger。Glashow也是个怪才,一次他给他教的学生考试,好象考电动力学吧,学生们被卷子上的一道题目卡住了,个个满头大汗。Glashow突然想起来了,对学生们说:“卷子里有一道题目我也没有做出来,谁做出来了告诉我一声。”全体学生尽皆晕倒。
- 夸克名称来自诗集《芬尼根彻夜祭》,其中有这样一段诗句:“夸克……夸克……夸克……/三五海鸟把脖子伸直,/一起冲着绅士马克/除了三声‘夸克’/马克一无所得/除了冀求的目标/全部都归马克。
- 现在一提夸克,大家都知道是盖尔曼。其实兹维格比盖尔曼要早发明夸克理论,发展的也完整得多,他写了篇特详细的文章。基本上方方面面都涉及到了。可惜四处投稿发不了,因为太超前了。他想在大学谋个职位,可惜没有成功,因为他的关于夸克理论的文章使他名声扫地,某位德高望重的理论物理老前辈评价说那文章纯属江湖骗子之手。这个故事说明:工作做得太好了,是要坏事的。
- 盖尔曼在兹维格之后不久,也得到了夸克理论。可他跟兹维格不一样,兹维格年轻啊,不知道厉害啊。盖尔曼可是太清楚了,圈内那帮老流氓们打击新奇思想的力度。于是他写了一篇奇短的文章,里面凡是关键的部分都说得含含糊糊,模棱两可。然后他又找了一份不是很牛的杂志,发了。可怜的兹维格,夸克理论都在圈内流传很久了,他的文章仍然到处在找发表的地方呢。也是,谁让他写的太详细了呢 。
- 说到电子,想起了电子荷质比的测定,密里根油滴试验。现在大家都知道密里根的这个Nobel奖是骗来的了。所以物理实验中曾伪造数据的同学不必内疚,万一你给中国骗个Nobel呢。
- 戈德史密特和另一个老大乌伦贝克当研究生的时候,写了篇电子自旋的论文,他们拿给Lorentz看。结果Lorentz当时就指出:这样电子表面速度大于光速,违反相对论,不可能。这两个人郁闷啊,赶紧去找自己的老板厄轮菲斯特,(爱因斯坦的好友,自杀了)。结果老板告诉他们,文章已发了。还安慰他们:“没关系,年轻人难免犯错。”然后你就知道啦,这两个幸运的家伙,就这样发了一篇重要无比的文章。
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