
  • 在本地完成编译cnvgrib模块并在服务器上测试成功。该模块能够将GRIB2格式的35公里精度数据编译为GRIB1格式,供GrADS处理及分析;
  • 服务器上测试grib2ctl模块成功,它可以生成35公里精度数据的ctl文件,供GrADS索引;
  • 服务器上测试get_gfs模块成功,可以有选择地获取远端GFS数据,节省下载时间和运算量。


  • ArP改为调度get_gfs模块获取远端数据,并需要调度cnvgrib模块来编译数据;
  • 由于数据名称发生改变,需要对gs文件组的相应部分进行修改。


  • 由于精度提高,拟重新开放地点预测功能(7Timer!-Panel系列),并提供视宁度预测等;
  • 开发民用版本(7Timer!-Weatherman系列);
  • 测试WRF-NMM,对精度的进一步提高进行调研。


Dear all, we have a major achievement on the next generation of 7Timer!, it may be applied for use in these two days. By then, the resolution of 7Timer! will be raised from 70km to 35km. We're going to use cnvgrib to convert files from GRIB2 format to GRIB1 format, so GrADS can read and proceed them. We would use "fast download GFS files" technique to require the data files faster. As the resolution raised, 7Timer-Panel might be re-operate to public.

Today's run may be canceled or delayed due to the major operation, we would post news here if there are any.