[#71] 最新消息 Most recent updates
- 服务器问题。经与服务器管理员崔博士讨论,确认问题主要是由于不明原因而导致24小时占用CPU达100%。本人答应近期将对自动运行程序(ArP)进行检查,恢复之后将考虑调整运行时间至北京时间凌晨,以避开服务器使用高峰,减轻服务器负荷。
- 地点预测问题。精度提高到35km以后,恢复地点预测已经扫清了一个重要障碍,但由于本人学习繁忙,还没有时间专门写一套管理地点预测的程序,所以各位可能还要等等了。
- 预测模型的升级。有些朋友来信反映有时候的预测不准。经过一段时间的研究之后我找到了不少模型的漏洞,但也要等有空才能进行再编写及升级工作。
Dear all, firstly many big thanks to those who willing to provide helps on server or other things when 7Timer! stopped. There have been some news and progress around, but I just cannot take time to post them here, I sorry for this. So now the news will be annouced.
- Server problem. After discussion with the admin, Dr. Cui, we confirmed that the problem is 24-hour 100% CPU usage, caused by unknown reasons. I'll try to locate where the bugs are and try to fix them, then 7Timer! will be up again. Also, the run time would be adjust to local morning (16-21hUT) to keep away from the busiest time of the server.
- Local forecast. After a 35-km resolution data was introduced, local forecast service is possible to be on again. But as I'm busy on college study, I still don't have time to write a processing routine for it, so please be patient.
- Accuracy. I found many points for further improve in the current model, but a huge upgrade still require quite some time.
All in all, things are now cleared, that 7Timer! won't be down for long. But as I'm busying with the college study and other activities, the recovery time is still beyong anybody's guess. I hope it will be back in... a few days? Hope so, any news will be post here. Thanks again for you and those who care on this project.
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