约10月前 about 10 months ago - 3条评论 3 comments
由于网络环境防火墙升级问题,晴天钟自5月23日起无法正常更新及访问。经努力,27日已经网站恢复访问,但目前数据模块仍然不能完全正常工作。我们将尽力尽快解决问题,预计2-3日内可恢复正常。所带来的不便请各位谅解。 7timer! has been suffered from service interruption since May 23, due to an issue in ShAO firewall upgrade. Currently the service has been partially resumed, but data module is not yet fully recovered. We are still working for a fix... hopefully things will be returned to normal within 2-3 days. We are sorry for…
约1年前 about 1 year ago - 9条评论 9 comments
热心的天文同好Lewis开发了供Android系统使用的晴天钟天文用途预报的软件,欢迎各位尝鲜试用。同时欢迎大家自由使用晴天钟的API! I am glad to write about Lewis's excellent Android application, "Astro Panel". If you have an Android device, just come and try it! It takes the ASTRO forecast from the 7Timer server and display it on your device. Thanks Lewis! Also, if you are good at programing and have interest, welcome to taste 7Timer's…
约4年前 about 4 years ago - 1条评论 1 comment
As of the forthcoming test of the new 7Timer!, 7Timer! would be switched off since July 15. It will be back with the new version (but just for public test! The public test would last several weeks, I believe) somewhere before July 20. (Because I've to depart for Xi'an for the Northwest/total solar eclipse expedition.)…
约5年前 about 5 years ago - 尚无评论 No comments
Recently I received quite many mails, reporting the problems of the weather map section (no new data after April 4). The problems is caused by the exceeding of disk quota, and I've made some temporary fixs by discard downloading the raw data that is 150 hours further, to allow room for further processings. Let's see what…
约5年前 about 5 years ago - 尚无评论 No comments
The development of the new version is moving slowly forward now, over the recent days I've finished some scripts of the Auto-run Program (ArP), including the scripts related to the new Weather Chart section. The new feature of Weather Chart is the forecast time extend to 384 hours, or 16 days. There are other new features in…
约5年前 about 5 years ago - 尚无评论 No comments
Well, there has been nearly two months since my last statement of 7Timer!, and there are around a dozen emails coming for the new 7Timer!. So let me blow one now... During the past two months, a few tests have been made up and down there. I decide to upgrade the model first (relatively easy work),…