Comet McNaught: Image of pre-discovery
Jan 10th
I just know that I had a near-miss to my second comet discovery in late 2007, since the Minor Planet Center has just reported the identification made by Mike Meyer, that three observations I made in late 2007 was actually linked with a recent discovered comet, but that's largely caused by bad luck instead of careless review of candidates -- see above.
This tiny snow ball, is now recognized as Comet McNaught, designed P/2008 Y3, it was found at the New Year's Eve of 2009 by Australian astronomer Rob McNaught. I had received a warm welcome by Rob during my visit to the Siding Spring Observatory, and he gave me a beautiful post of the Great Daylight Comet he found (C/2006 P1), as well as his signature and words, "May you discovered more comets!" However, he has taken one from my hand Oops, Rob, I'm not blaming you -- because it was still two months before you wrote the words when I detected it, we were both not aware of such an occasion being presenting.
The self-developed reduction pipeline did detected the faint dot although it was then running through the milky way, and was "encounted" with a bright star (the encounted image was neglected when making the image you see). As the comet was then about 3.94 a.u. from the Earth (about 590 million kilometers), the cometary feature was rather weak, so it's not surprising for me to count it as an asteroid at that time. Anyway, congratulations for your 45th comet, Rob! (Yes, Rob is the most profit individual discoverer in the history by far)
Jan 12th
可厌的是Tuttle彗星恰好处于秋季星空中星比较少的位置,加上大学城的光害并不很轻,因此我艰难地在星海中寻找定标,一边找一边想起某位天文学家的高见:We are actually spy on the stars(其实我们是在偷窥星星);用望远镜看女生宿舍和看星,本质上都是—— 偷窥,只不过一个是平视,一个必须仰视。胡思乱想了一阵,竟然找到了鲸鱼座ζ—— 距离Tuttle彗星最近的一颗亮星,顿时一阵兴奋,于是按图索骥,很快找到了Tuttle彗星的预报位置。
按照预测,Tuttle彗星在TYC 5283-1309-1和TYC 5283-1016-1附近,其中后者是颗7.4等星,照例来说一个5.9等的目标应该很容易看到,但我看来看去就是看不见。哎,可怜的Tuttle老先生,奋斗一生,死去的时候仅有70美刀,还要被“埋在一个不知名的墓穴里”,现在连他的彗星也不愿意和他同名来让我瞻仰瞻仰。于是我用了深呼吸+侧视法,又隐约撇到彗星西面一点点的两颗8.3等星,但还是看不到。看来彗星太弥散了,加上一点光害就看不见。我正想再尝试一下,结果发现星星突然暗了下去,抬头一看,原来起云了。
一打开照片,我叫苦不迭:怎么恰巧那个彗星走到了一颗亮星的附近呢!这下可好,本来地平高度就很低,给那个亮星一折腾,几乎什么都看不出来了。我只好给国际天文联合会写信说FWHM slightly larger than background stars,想着到时候公布新发现的时候我这模棱两可的报文大约也能分一杯羹。给McNaught彗星一搞,我十二点半才晕头晕脑的爬上床,2310计划(23:10上床)又告失败。
第二天一早起来,床还没有下,就用手机上网看新消息,果然McNaught彗星的发现已经正式公布了,编号C/2008 A1,而且年底还可以到9等。我一口气看到底,怎么纬度比我高的几个老美都看到了彗星特征了?至于我的报告自然是没用上。啊,完全是“彗星‘恰巧’和一颗大亮星来个亲密邂逅”的背运!我恼怒地把被子往旁边一丢,无精打采地跳下床来。
[[Image:Lulin-Sky-Survey/ck08a010_20080112.png|550|C/2008 A1 (McNaught)]]
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