D1D001 taken by SLT at 8.61(UT)

Just confirmed another new comet, discovered by COD 661 yesterday at magnitude ~17R. Very obvious cometary appearance. Congratulations to the discoverer!

Observation and addtional report to CBAT/MPC as follows:

CON Q.-z. Ye, Department of Atmosphere Science, Sun Yat-sen University,
CON 132 Waihuan-Dong Rd., Guangzhou, China
CON [[email protected]]
OBS Q.-z. Ye
TEL 0.41-m Ritchey-Chretien + CCD
ACK LUSS observations
AC2 [email protected]
COM Stacked all three images revealed a very diffuse coma at 10\", plus a very
COM faint, fan-alike wide tail towards p.a. 210deg-315deg. Magnitude measurement
COM in T. The image could be retrieved at
COM http://yeiht.y234.cn/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/d1d001.png
     D1D001   C2008 10 08.61167 07 29 40.01 +81 01 20.5          17.3 R      D35
     D1D001   C2008 10 08.61250 07 29 40.15 +81 01 21.5          17.3 R      D35
     D1D001   C2008 10 08.61333 07 29 40.20 +81 01 20.8          17.2 R      D35
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