May 23rd
爱好天文又多了一个崇高而正式的理由~~~~ 感谢大虾推荐这句话!
[#73] 重要公告 Important New [中文/EN]
Apr 24th
The trial run on April 22 passed, and the administrator rocognized the "100% CPU" bug is fixed. The normal routine will be brought back since April 24, and the start time for each day is still at 9:59UT.
[#72] Trial run tonight [EN]
Apr 22nd
After a series of minor fixed, 7Timer! will have a trial run on April 22. The program will be started on 9:59UT.
Apr 21st
gcc -shared -o libphp4.dll -Wl,--out-implib=libphp4.dll.a -Wl,--export-all-symbols -Wl,--whole-archive=libphp4.a /usr/local/apache/libexec/libhttpd.dll -Wl,--no-whole-archive -lcrypt
执行完毕以后,回到根目录,再做make install。现在就好啦,测试一下吧?php run-test.php,运行得还可以吧?
只是我发现无论运行什么都会出现X-powered by php之类的信息,难道是哪里出错了?谁有兴趣可以试试看。
>_< 懒得重开cygwin,只好再次艰难的等待!
[#71] 最新消息 Most recent updates
Apr 11th
- 服务器问题。经与服务器管理员崔博士讨论,确认问题主要是由于不明原因而导致24小时占用CPU达100%。本人答应近期将对自动运行程序(ArP)进行检查,恢复之后将考虑调整运行时间至北京时间凌晨,以避开服务器使用高峰,减轻服务器负荷。
- 地点预测问题。精度提高到35km以后,恢复地点预测已经扫清了一个重要障碍,但由于本人学习繁忙,还没有时间专门写一套管理地点预测的程序,所以各位可能还要等等了。
- 预测模型的升级。有些朋友来信反映有时候的预测不准。经过一段时间的研究之后我找到了不少模型的漏洞,但也要等有空才能进行再编写及升级工作。
Dear all, firstly many big thanks to those who willing to provide helps on server or other things when 7Timer! stopped. There have been some news and progress around, but I just cannot take time to post them here, I sorry for this. So now the news will be annouced.
- Server problem. After discussion with the admin, Dr. Cui, we confirmed that the problem is 24-hour 100% CPU usage, caused by unknown reasons. I'll try to locate where the bugs are and try to fix them, then 7Timer! will be up again. Also, the run time would be adjust to local morning (16-21hUT) to keep away from the busiest time of the server.
- Local forecast. After a 35-km resolution data was introduced, local forecast service is possible to be on again. But as I'm busy on college study, I still don't have time to write a processing routine for it, so please be patient.
- Accuracy. I found many points for further improve in the current model, but a huge upgrade still require quite some time.
All in all, things are now cleared, that 7Timer! won't be down for long. But as I'm busying with the college study and other activities, the recovery time is still beyong anybody's guess. I hope it will be back in... a few days? Hope so, any news will be post here. Thanks again for you and those who care on this project.
[#70] 重要公告 Important note
Apr 6th
The curiousness CPU usage of 7Timer! had been noted by the administrator, and the program was ordered to stop. So from April 5th, 7Timer! stop running, any further news will be post on this blog.
Mar 31st
这是篇原刊3月28日Los Angeles Times的文章,今天被《参考消息》转载(3月31日第6版)。《参考消息》偶尔会登一些关于日本这个国度的小事,比如人的精神风貌、社区组织乃至城市交通等等,每篇都很不长,但却能给人留下非常深刻的印象。今天读了这篇No crime too small in Tokyo(东京:犯罪无小事)之后,我终于下决心要写点什么了。
闲话少说。我附上No crime too small in Tokyo的原文,不过我想许多读者还是乐意看中文,不妨让我简单介绍一下。Bruce Wallace是Los Angeles Times驻东京的一名记者,他常用的交通工具是一辆从来不上锁的、破旧的自行车。有一天晚上,他发现自行车被偷了;正当他为在安全的日本碰到失窃—— 而且是这样无价值的自行车被窃—— 感到惊奇的时候,他接到一名警察的电话。一位驻守治安岗亭的警察拦下了偷自行车的人,并通过计算机中心查到了车的主人,于是Bruce到岗亭拿回了自行车,他为日本警察一丝不苟的工作作风所感动。文章还附了一张照片,Bruce在岗亭前面带微笑地推着自行车,那名警察制服笔挺地站在岗亭里,向读者致意。
[#70] 7Timer! encount problems on Mar.23/24
Mar 25th
The Control file was wrongly made and 7Timer! was not properly run on last two days. Things should go right tonight.
[#69] 3G 7Timer! test succeed [中文/EN]
Feb 23rd
Dear all, 7Timer!, the third generation has just passed the test. From Feb.24, we will use the new 35km resolution datasets for operation. But as the get_gfs mode is not compatitable with cnvgrib mode, we have to download the whole ~35Mx62 data and it put the average complete time to 15hUT. We'll consider to run twice a day in future.
[#68] Test run for 7Timer! III generation today [EN]
Feb 23rd
Dear all, I managed to solve that huge bug, and now all things seem okay. We'll go through a test run today.
The GrADS installation here has been upgraded to 1.9-b4, while the ArP (a.k.a. Auto-run Program) has been upgrade to 3.0-b4.
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