English Island

7Timer! update

Hello all,

  Now I'm able to process these request...

New 7Timer!s

  • Croatia Velika Gorica
  • France Chateauneuf de Grasse
  • 浙江省 龙王山
  • 山东省 烟台地区海阳市新元广场
  • 云南省 楚雄紫溪山观测点
  • Argentina Martínez
  • Argentina Rosario
  • Sweden Saltsjöbaden Observatory [NOTE I've corrected 'ö' into 'a']
  • Rauma, Finland
  • Italy Pomezia [NOTE I've corrected timezone '0' into '+1']
  • 广西壮族自治区 北海市
  • Brazil Joao Monlevade - MG
  • 北京市 昌平麻峪房
  • Denmark Frederikssund
  • Germany Kirchzarten


  • 河南省 舞钢市

Problem requests

  • Brazil Tiba?do Sul [Please do not use non-English code]
  • Sweden Märsta [Please do not use non-English code]
  • Argentina Ushuaia [Longitude and latitude should be at least as detail as 0.01 deg]
  • Brazil Jo鉶 Pessoa [Please do not use non-English code]

  That's all. I should again note that do not use non-English code, because the system is not clever and it could only read GB2312/BIG5/UTF-8 code.

  The next time of update is March 28, because around March 20 I will have to face an important exam. However if you have sent a problem request and resend it within a few days, I would try my best to process your corrected request as quickly as possible.

  A user has reported that the submit button in request page would sometimes disappear. Now I'm going to handle that problem.

Best regards,


7Timer! update

Added 7Timer!s:

  • Malaysia Alor Setar
  • Argentina Ramos Mejia
  • 台湾地区 Lulin Observatory
  • Belgium Zoersel
  • New Zealand Christchurch
  • 黑龙江省 安达市
  • 台湾地区 合欢山鸢峰
  • Malaysia Mersing
  • 台湾地区 太鲁阁国家公园合欢山管理站
  • 台湾地区 大雪山森林游乐区

Problem requests:

  • Lithuania Siauliai [Wrong timezone (+6), please note you should type a timezone WITHOUT daylight savings]
  • 广西壮族自治区 北海市 [精度不够,请准确到0.01度]

  These new 7Timer!s should be available after a few minutes. Next time of update will be March 5.

   Feel free to contact me if you have problems.



7Timer!s update

Hello all,
These 7Timer!s have been updated:

河南省 舞钢市
Argentina Zona Norte, Buenos Aires
Ireland Carlow
Lithuania Kaunas
Ireland Cork

And this request did not passed:

浙江省 杭州市凤起路 [直接用杭州的就行啦。很明显和赵晋他们一起的吧?这个世界真小,哈哈哈哈!]

Please note next proceed time will be... let me see, Feb. 19 if not mistaken. Also there'll be a new message in "7Timer!" box very soon, about the new model upgrade and other things.

7Timer!s update/Jan 22

Hello all,
Now I finally have time to process these requests!
Winter holiday is coming, but we only could have four days free, instead of 20 days... so let me see what I can do for 7Timer! in the four days.

Added 7Timer!s:

United Kingdom Salcott
浙江省 括苍山 [Note: 7Timer! in China]
云南省 玉溪市 [Note: 7Timer! in China]
London, England
Hoofddorp, The Netherlands
Romania Bucharest
Sweden Linkoping
United Kingdom Newcastle under Lyme
Spain Sevilla
台湾地区 台北县林口乡 [Note: 7Timer! in China]

Problem requests

浙江省 7Timer!地点 [请给出具体地点]
广东省 广州市军体院 [请直接使用广州市的晴天钟]
广西壮族自治区 南宁 [已存在]

That's all. The next day of update would be Feb.1 (approximately, I'll inform you all if the day changes.)

Tammisaari/Ekenas 7Timer! not available yet

I'm quite sorry that a command error is in the command file ("Tammisaari/Ekenas" could not be read by the software, and I have to correct it to "Tammisaari.Ekenas"), and the image could not be out tonight. It should be available after the next run of the software.
Feel free to contact me with any questions/problems, etc. Other 7Timer!s seems work well.

Just a brief note...

And you'd not be able to see the new 7Timer!s now. They'll be available at 15 U.T. at least (I'm busy making the new look of individual 7Timer! page... the new 7Timer!s will benifit from this action...)
What's more, the next process time will be Jan.22. If you're hurry to see your purpose 7Timer! on, feel free to contact me.
Mail me if has any comments, advice, etc...

New7Timer!s processing result/Jan.4

Hello all...
There're many requests came in these days, as well as the exams... but I finally take them on. As I decide to suspend my NEAT archiving a while, I might have time to improve the model of 7Timer!, upgrade the website, etc. I know the website is strange-looking now, and some more detailed FAQ should be written. Hope I could have 48 hours a day!
Enough chatter, now let's see the update list... some of the new comers could not get through it.

Added 7Timer!s:

贵州省 独山县麻尾镇 [Note: 7Timer! in China]
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
MIlton Keynes, United Kingdom [Note: I've correct MI to Mi]
Southampton, Hampshire, UK
Velilla de San Antonio, Spain
Sintra, Lisbon, Portugal
CALLOSA DE ENSARRIA [Note: Please write your country and do not use all capital letter next time]
Belfast, NI, United Kingdom
Tammisaari/Ekenas, Finland
云南省 云南峨山高香镇 [Note: 7Timer! in China]
Aracruz, ES, Brazil
Petrolina, PE, Brazil
Barra do Ribeiro, RS, Brazil

Problem requests

Buti谩, RS, Brazil [Please do not use non-eng letters, the mail system is not clever enough to read them]
山东省 青岛市 [Request in China 已存在]
广东省 广州市海珠区新港西路 [Request in China 已存在 由于7Timer!精度问题 您可以直接使用广州的7Timer!]

That's all now. I should go to play violin and then come again for website upgrade. Hope I could get enough time for a new request system for English-version! Enjoy your new year's holiday (if you still have)!

Update time change

Hi all,
The next time of update will be change to Jan.4.
Happy new year to all,


Hello all,
I'm very sorry for this long delay, but I finally have done it. There's a large number of requests came in these weeks.

New 7Timer!s:
云南省昆明市太平镇[Request in China]
Santa Cruz de
Las Rozas
澳门[Request in China]

云南省武定高桥镇[Request in China]

The next time of update will be on Jan.2,2006, so merry x'mas and happy new year to all!
Feel free to mail me if has any problems.


Hello all:
These requests have been proceed:
Sabadell, Spain
Guimaraes, Portugal
Paris, France
And following request has not been proceed:
Argentina, Bs. As. Ramos Mej铆a
[Please give the full name of your location, and please do not use non-eng code.]
And following 7Timer! has been modify:
Tupancireta, Brazil
Enjoy your day,