Upgrade list of Model-2


1. 减少了低云和高云占的比例,增加了平流层云占的比例,使云量的准确率提高了近12个百分点。
2. 修正了图形文件中云量误判的bug。
3. 修正了0-10之间云量小数位数判断错误的bug。
4. 透明度中,当云量大于30%的时候就不再输出。
5. 减少了雾霾度在透明度中占的比重。
6. 预报图中,将云量变化的命令调整为接近线性,更为美观。
7. 修改了透明度预测中,大于1000就会返回默认值的bug。
8. 修改了风速色块。
9. 取消了smog的输出。
10. 修改了预报图中第一张显示错误日期的bug。
11. 修改了透明度小数位数误判的bug。

After working for nearly a month, the second model of 7Timer! released on August 31. The model perfomence is excellent, the accuracy rise to 78.1%, nearly 12% higher than the previous model.
And this is the upgrade list:
1. Decrease the low and high cloud output and increase the CC cloud output to make the cloud model better, and the accuracy of the cloud forecast rise indeed.
2. Bug fix: The wrong determine of the cloud model.
3. Bug fix: The wrong determine of the "do" position when the cloud is less than 10%.
4. Discard the transparency output if cloud is more than 30%.
5. Discard the smog in transparency forecast, that will made it better.
6. In cloud cover forecast maps, adjust the output to "linear" model.
7. Bug fix: If transparency rate is bigger than 1000, it would not return to -9.99E33.
8. Change the color cent of wind speed.
9. The smog forecast is no longer available. (no use at all with transparecy forecast)
10. Bug fix: Wrong date display in the first map of the forecast maps.
11. Bug fix: Wrong "do" position in transparency when it's less than 10.





叶在30日发现的FMO随后被证实是Spacewatch和西班牙人A.Gomez在一天前发现并确认的目标K05Q11P,后来被临时命名为2005 QP11。丁今早发现的新天体SW40QY仍然需要进一步验证。

我国搜寻者发现的第一颗FMO是2005 GT,由虞俊(南京)在今年4月1日发现的。


My FMO turn out to be a known one

昨天下午站主发现的FMO已经被证实为前天西班牙人A.Gomez发现的2005 QP11。
2005 QP11

The FMO project annouces my yesterday FMO is 2005 QP11, which had been discovered by A.Gomez from Spain, the day before yesterday.