Discoveries and confirmations during the search on Sept.4

20021029045623a 01 26 40.15 +00 07 15.9 2002-10-29 04:56:53 60 Y
20021029052659a 01 26 40.54 +00 07 20.2 2002-10-29 05:27:29 60 Y
20021029055703a 01 26 39.13 +00 07 27.1 2002-10-29 05:57:33 60 Y

Bright object in centre-left. Sign as QY594C. It turned out to be (50834) 2000 FV40 later.
Bright object in centre-right. Sign as QY594D. It turned out to be 2002 SW39 later.

20020602072304a 19 17 41.18 -16 32 08.7 2002-06-02 07:23:34 60 Y
20020602073913a 19 17 41.51 -16 31 59.7 2002-06-02 07:39:43 60 Y
20020602075324a 19 17 40.24 -16 31 48.1 2002-06-02 07:53:54 60 Y

15:10 CST: Faint object in centre-left, two pass, and the possibly third one get into a group of bright stars. Sign as QY594E. No known objects in this region.
15:28 CST: Now is trying to calculated the orbit.
15:57 CST: Now checking possibly 2-nighter objects.

Orbital elements:
Perihelion 2002 May 29.319400 TT
Epoch 2002 Jun 2.0 TT = JDT 2452427.5 Find_Orb
M 3.22709 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.87678593 Peri. 3.80254 -0.36953268 0.92913897
a 1.0811194 Node 244.51098 -0.85289377 -0.34431879
e 0.0486913 Incl. 0.76793 -0.36880592 -0.13470462
P 1.12 /410.58d H 25.9 G 0.15 q 1.0284783
From 3 observations 2002 June 2-2 (30.3 min); RMS error 3.207 arcseconds

16:18 CST: Possibly2-nighter found on May 24, 2002, but may not be a real one because the error might be too large.

16:33 CST: Recovery failed... It's too faint.

20020611092307c 19 17 29.03 -16 48 45.0 2002-06-11 09:23:37 60 Y
20020611093834c 19 17 29.67 -16 48 45.9 2002-06-11 09:39:04 60 Y
20020611095358c 19 17 28.51 -16 48 41.9 2002-06-11 09:54:28 60 Y

16:35 CST: Bight object discovered on upper-left. Signed as QY594F.
16:39 CST: Object known! (21817) Yingling.

20020926042120a 22 52 40.08 +31 46 02.6 2002-09-26 04:21:50 60 Y
20020926045156a 22 52 40.34 +31 46 07.3 2002-09-26 04:52:26 60 Y
20020926052101a 22 52 38.86 +31 46 15.1 2002-09-26 05:21:31 60 Y

17:04 CST: Fairly object discovered on upper-centre. Signed as QY594G. No known object in this region!
17:15 CST: Failed to recover QY594G due to the block in the images.

20021011023751a 22 52 41.38 +31 46 07.2 2002-10-11 02:38:21 60 Y
20021011030701a 22 52 41.59 +31 46 05.4 2002-10-11 03:07:31 60 Y
20021011033738a 22 52 40.07 +31 46 15.4 2002-10-11 03:38:08 60 Y

17:24 CST: Fairly object discovered on lower-centre, signed as QY594H.
17:26 CST: No known object in this region! Now is going to calculated the orbit and try to recover it.
18:06 CST: Unable to get a 2-nighter image, recovery failed. (sigh... that's a nice one!)

QY594J C2002 11 23.52407 09 38 34.50 +25 27 58.1 20.5 R 644
QY594J C2002 11 23.53470 09 38 34.95 +25 27 59.8 20.6 R 644
QY594J C2002 11 23.54537 09 38 35.34 +25 28 01.2 20.2 R 644
18:35 CST: New object! Sign as QY594J.
18:44 CST: It turns out to be 2001 SR313...

20030307090600c 09 37 39.10 +25 32 38.0 2003-03-07 09:06:30 60 Y
20030307092101c 09 37 38.83 +25 32 30.9 2003-03-07 09:21:31 60 Y
20030307093614c 09 37 36.73 +25 32 28.8 2003-03-07 09:36:44 60 Y

Confirmations... QY594L to be 2001 SM47
QY594M to be 2001 XV120
QY594N to be 2001 RJ151
QY594O to be 14512.

Reply: Object submitted at 14h CST, Sept.4

Object already known. QY594B was (47376) 1999 XW94.

New object discovered

20020926054400b 00 47 55.89 +02 39 08.2 2002-09-26 05:45:15 150 Y
20020926072500b 00 47 55.20 +02 39 24.0 2002-09-26 07:26:15 150 Y
20020926091007b 00 47 50.10 +02 39 19.0 2002-09-26 09:11:22 150 Y

A bright object discovered on the centre-left. It was signed as QY594B.

Start my NEAT searching project


20030119094859b 10 48 42.20 +23 41 05.3 2003-01-19 09:49:29 60 Y
20030119101930b 10 48 42.67 +23 41 05.1 2003-01-19 10:20:00 60 Y
20030119105029b 10 48 41.35 +23 41 07.9 2003-01-19 10:50:59 60 Y

Lucky enough to find an object so soon... in the centre of the blink images, a bright one. Now I'm going to check if it's a known one.