
[新彗星]8月31日,林肯近地小行星搜索计划发现一颗新小行星有彗星活动,后来被证实这是一颗周期彗星,编号P/2005 R2 (LINEAR),周期为7.6年,近日距为1.7AU,将于9月28日通过近日点。9月2日,近地天体追踪(NEAT)也发现了一颗新的周期彗星,编号P/2005 R1 (NEAT),周期14年。这两颗彗星都很暗,不超过18等。
[SOHO彗星]T.Hoffman发现C/2005 Q2 (梅耶族)和C/2005 Q3(非族)。SOHO已经发现了1003颗新彗星。

7Timer! request processing of Sept.8

Hello all,
I apologize - due to a bug in the auto-send system, all the requests which wrote before Sept.7, 11 UTC were not send.
Here is a list of all requests I've recived, if your request(s) did not appear in the list, please send it again here or use the auto-send system.
2005-09-7 12:38: Jakutsk, Russia
2005-09-07 22:58: Povoa de Varzim, Porto, Portugese. (Bomdia, but please notice which is "longitude" or "latitude" next time :-)
2005-09-08 03:18: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

I'm very sorry for this inconvinience. And thank you for your support, I'm very glad that there're many global users come.
And, as a special note, these requests will be process on Saturday/Sunday. However, you'll be able to see these 7Timer! before next Monday.

-7Timer! Group