Feb 10th
花了一个上午,编成了自己第一个php程序—— ArP 2.2-s8,运转得还蛮不错,除了傍晚时突然发现误把一处"=="写成了"=",导致ArP延误运行半小时。
WRF今日没有取得大进展,主要问题是发现LAMOST不支持编译,没法安装程序。不过看了几个超高难度的鸟文pdf之后对WRF的安装有所了解了。貌似我这等预测用的必须用WRF-NMM而不是ARW。现在看来首先要这么走:安装netCDF库—— 安装WRF主机—— 安装WRFSI。幸好换了大硬盘,决定先在自己的机子上试验,成功以后再向崔博要权限。
[#64] New ArP version released [EN]
Feb 10th
Hi all, a more powerful version of ArP (Auto-run Program) is just released. It could give more information about ArP, include current status, progress, or whether it has been started on time. Also the program will now auto inform me when the program crashes or fail to operate. You could see the ArP panel on the first page of 7Timer!.
ArP version now is 2.2-s8.
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