[#69] 3G 7Timer! test succeed [中文/EN]
Feb 23rd
Dear all, 7Timer!, the third generation has just passed the test. From Feb.24, we will use the new 35km resolution datasets for operation. But as the get_gfs mode is not compatitable with cnvgrib mode, we have to download the whole ~35Mx62 data and it put the average complete time to 15hUT. We'll consider to run twice a day in future.
[#68] Test run for 7Timer! III generation today [EN]
Feb 23rd
Dear all, I managed to solve that huge bug, and now all things seem okay. We'll go through a test run today.
The GrADS installation here has been upgraded to 1.9-b4, while the ArP (a.k.a. Auto-run Program) has been upgrade to 3.0-b4.
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