已处理列表/Available new 7Timer!
2005.09.18 12:19 (CST) 四川宜宾高县庆符镇
2005.09.17 13:24 (CST) 浙江省临安市
2005.09.17 12:27 (CST) 新疆维吾尔自治区石河子市
2005.09.16 18:04 (UTC) Alvor, Algarve, Portugal
2005.09.16 19:10 (CST) 陕西省安康市汉滨区
2005.09.16 15:10 (CST) 容县
2005.09.15 21:57 (UTC) Toora, Victoria, Australia
2005.09.15 14:10 (UTC) Indonesia, Jawa Timur, Nganjuk
2005.09.13 21:33 (UTC) Kisa, Sweden
2005.09.13 21:43 (CST) 浙江省杭州市下沙高教园区
2005.09.12 23:08 (UTC) Panama City,Republic of Panama
2005.09.12 13:25 (CST) 甘肃省白银市白银区
2005.09.11 23:05 (CST) 云南省个旧市

3.由于今天服务器速度太快了,数据很快下载完成并运行,而这些列表还没有完全更新好,因此上述7Timer!可能在一段时间内不可用,但最迟到明天的更新就可以解决。 The surver is very fast today, and the 7Timer! in this list was not okay when it finishing processing, so these 7Timer! may be unavailable to use today and tomorrow, but the problem should be fix before the next pass at about 12 UT tomorrow. (And it might be fix tonight, if I can manage to re-run the program again.)

7Timer! Group