17P/Holmes was only a 16mag. faint object in the sky by Octo.20, but observations on Octo.24/25 showed it has brighten by ~1 mega scale, to ~2.0mag.! We could say it's the first time in history that the comet brings us such a big big shock. I took thousands images of Comet Holmes over Octo.24, 25 and 26, by the Lulin Sky Survey 0.41-m Ritchey-Cherien telescope. I've just finished processing of 126 data points on late Octo.25, here is the result:

[[Image:Lulin-Sky-Survey/17p_071025_126.PNG|550|Click to enlarge]]

Note the varied, strong jets from the nulie of the comet, dark spots also come out from the Log/FFT proceed snapshot.

By the way, I caught it with naked eye on late Octo.26, at mag.~3.2. I'll continue mortoning on that boy to see what'll come up. Stay turn for updates.