晴天钟更新故障 | 7Timer update issue
Mar 30th
7Timer encountered a data update issue starting March 25, I wasn't able to fix this earlier due to sickness -- sorry for all the inconvenience! Now it has been confirm that this issue was caused by a hard drive problem and has just been fixed. I expect the data update will resume starting the 29/18Z update.
晴天钟程序API升级 | Machine-readable API upgrade
Nov 2nd
The machine-readable API has been upgraded and forecast data can be retrieved at such address:
The format is unaltered. Program authors are encouraged to test and migrate to this new API. We hope all program retrieval will be performed through the new API as it greatly reduces (hopefully) the workload of the server. The old API will remain operational for some time.
CIVIL服务恢复 | CIVIL service resumed
Nov 2nd
The CIVIL service has been fully resumed on Oct 31. A few new scripts are being written, and we are confident that traffic volume like early and late Oct can be handled with these new scripts.
10月28/29日服务器访问问题 | Service disruption on Oct 28/29
Oct 29th
The server has again experienced a very high traffic since Oct 26, and has become partially unreachable in the evening of Oct 28 (EDT). We have to temporary disable CIVIL service (both on-site and APIs) to keep the server operational. The data update is expected to resume later today, but the problem may take long time to solve. Will update if there is any progress.
用于安卓和iOS的新应用 | Additional apps for Android and iOS
Oct 11th
应用页面添加了三个新应用:用于安卓的One More Cloud Widget、Vortex Planetarium以及iOS的Sky Harbinger,欢迎各位尝鲜!
We are happy to add three additional apps that involve with 7Timer data on the apps page: One More Cloud Widget and Vortex Planetarium for Android, and Sky Harbinger for iOS.
晴天钟服务恢复 | Server issue resolved
Oct 11th
After code revision, the server can handle moderately heavy traffic now, regular data updates have been resumed since Oct 10. The server may remain slightly slow for given times for a few more days. In respond to this issue, the simultaneous request limit of program API has been reduced from 128 to 64, additional request will get ERR50013 error. Please refer to the updated documentation for details.
晴天钟服务器负载过高 | Heavy traffic at the 7Timer server
Oct 3rd
We notice the service has been in disruption since Sept 29, causing connection difficulty and data update failure. This is caused by overloading server due to heavy traffic, but we need to contact server administrator for further examinations. The examination will not take place until Oct 7 due to the national holiday week in China. We apologize for any inconveniences.
服务异常说明 | Note on Service Interruption
May 29th
7timer! has been suffered from service interruption since May 23, due to an issue in ShAO firewall upgrade. Currently the service has been partially resumed, but data module is not yet fully recovered. We are still working for a fix... hopefully things will be returned to normal within 2-3 days. We are sorry for any inconveniences.

ASTRO service on Android
Nov 22nd
I am glad to write about Lewis's excellent Android application, "Astro Panel". If you have an Android device, just come and try it! It takes the ASTRO forecast from the 7Timer server and display it on your device. Thanks Lewis! Also, if you are good at programing and have interest, welcome to taste 7Timer's freely-available APIs!
晴天钟恢复运行 | 7Timer operation resumed
Jul 21st
Under the efforts from Mr. Tang Haiming and the maintainance crew at Shanghai Astronomical Observatory as well as from the IBM rescue engineers, the web service of 7Timer server was resumed around 10h UT today. The first release of data is expected to be done around 17h UT.
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