Comet brings sickness? Maybe, but not Lulin
Feb 26th
After the Lulin observing compaign on Feb. 24/25, my tireness of long travel, preparation of the new term operning and many other things stacked and made my bad cold intensified into the worst bad cold I have ever experienced in past ten years. I feel sleepy everywhere, unable to recall something quickly, even unaware of what I'm doing. I think I need a good rest this weekend. If the recovery is not significant, I may need to go to the doctor's.
Although I was feeling very bad last night, I still carried my binocular and tripod with the help from Sisi Chen to the top of laboratory's building for Lulin. The sky was good for a downtown-based field -- with LM around 2.0-2.5, cirrus on. I spent a little bit longer to find the comet -- about a minute I think. Cirrus occasionary went over the region and we had to pause. Under heavy light pollution, I estimated the brightness of Lulin to be about 5.0 mag. with a coma at about 20', the tail was faint in the background, I measured several times and confirmed it's about 1 deg long. Although not formally trained before, Sisi recorgnize the comet with ease, and she could detected the tail too. Very sharp eyes!
I should stay there longer for the view, but I had to go to bed, so I forced myself to go back to dormitory at around 22:50. Comet may indeed bring bad fortune like sickness, but Lulin shouldn't -- the cause of the bad cold maybe, like 85P/Boethin? Its period is 11.5 years so it fits the fact for this 10-year worst bad cold Thankfully the cloud comes up tonight so I can sleep early. The moonson season is coming, but in early March I will pay a short visit to Beijing and Tianjin, so there are still chances to see Lulin!
Feeling lucky when Lulin shining above
Feb 25th
I departed with a few friends from Guangzhou for Gaocun Village at around 22:30, Heng Zhou drove the car. It's our Guangdong Southern Cross Star Association which held the party, and there is only one topic -- Comet Lulin. It was prefectably clear all the way down, but according to the messages from those friends who arrived earlier, "it's overcast!" We laughed and refused to believe, as the sky was really "rarely-seen prefect".
At around 0:15 we arrived Gaocun and had to believe what was told earlier -- it's indeed overcast. What made us feel more frustrated is that we were under a small patch of heavy cloud, the patch went just right over the village. After a few minutes of discussion, we made a casual decision that a new temperory site must be found. Quanzhi Shen and several others would stay at Gaocun since their equipment could not move easily, while Heng, I, Jianji Li and some others (2 cars in total) would drive east to seek for clear sky. We made a U turn and drove about 10 kilometers to reach the clear sky we had found on the way to Gaocun, but quite unfortunately, when we found a flat area near Xiaodong Village after about half an hour's search and were just about to unpack our equipments, the clouds came and blocked our view. Disappointed and frustrated, we decided to go back Gaocun, set up our tents and sleep. At around 1 a.m. we arrived Gaocun and began to set up our tent. "Lulin is shy," I explained to others, as I had predicted the sky to be "partly clear" that night but it seems not, "she is unwilling to turn up when there are so many guys pointing their telescopes to her."
We worked 20 minutes to set the big tent up, but just at the time we finished all the things and plan to go to sleep, Heng's mobile phone rang, it came from another group which had also went out to seek clear sky, "You said that the sky is clear there?" Heng shouted, and we were all stop talking to hear what he went on, "drove... west? Okay, okay, we're coming." After only five minutes, Heng was driving at about 150kph at the tiny path heading west and we were on his car (Quanzhi Shen and his fellows stayed still at Gaocun). At about 1:40 we arrived Picun Village, the group arrived earlier had set up a temperory observing field on the ground in the front of the local goverment building. Everyone was unpacking their equipments with a hurry. I, too, dragged my 11x70 binocular out from my bag as quickly as I could. Less than 15 seconds did I spotted comet -- it's almost impossible to miss that bright, fuzzy, lovely target, with a mild anti-tail pointing east, that's really gorgeous! I measured its brightness to be 4.6, with a ~25' coma and a tail at a length of ~1.7 deg. Heng estimated the brightness to be around 4.2 with his 10-cm refractor. We could spotted it easily with naked-eye, the estimate is about the same with the binocular's -- around 4.5 mag. with a 30' coma, but I couldn't detect the tail with naked-eye.
Xun Zheng, a journalist of the Evening News who had monitored activities of our association for a long time, took some nice photos of us, and two of them were printed on the Yangcheng Evening News later that day. After obtaining Xun's permission, I'm posting some of them here.
I also took a glance of a few dozens Messier objects with my binocular before the sky turned bad at around 5 a.m. We learnt later that the sky of Gaocun also became clear but still far from Picun's. As an old Chinese saying goes, "Man proposes, but God disposes." For any astronomical activities, no matter how well you prepared, the God only need a patch of cloud to let your preparation get ruined. We were very lucky to get 3 hours clear sky that night.
As had reported, Lulin's tail is changing rapidly. Around Feb. 22 the ion tail suddenly showed some complex structure, but on Feb. 25 the ion tail was torn away by a solar win gust (I'm not fully agree with this solution; it might as well be the geometry effect which had made the ion tail disappeared). On the other hand, the appearance of the comet appeared to be about normal (as the structure of ion tail is not visible to visual observers under most occasion), except the main tail is an anti-one: it points directly to the sun! But after Feb. 26, the double-tail Lulin will become mostly single-tail since the comet has passed the opposition point and the geometry effect (see my earlier explanation) disappears. Stay tuned for updates!
Comet Lulin visible under worst condition
Feb 24th
I carried my 11x70 to the top of our dormitory at around 14:50 UT. The sky condition has improved significantly compare to that of the morning (overcast), but it's still mostly cloudy, with a few bright stars occasionary visible in the cloud gaps, I estimated the LM to be around +1.0 at that moment, one of the worst observing nights I have ever experienced. However I still manage to spot the comet. At around 15:05 UT, a clear region was passing over the Lulin region, so I point my binocular to the southeast direction of Saturn. I move the observing field a little bit and feel that there is a small "cloud" near a curve lined by four stars. A very clear gap was just passing the region and I was able to confirm its existances. A 7.46 mag. star coded TYC 267-888-1 was also visible at those seconds, so I estimated the surface brightness of the comet to be around 7.5 mag, with a diameter up to around 20'. The cloud came again after less than half a minute and was increasing again, after waiting for five minutes I packed my binocular and went downstairs.
I'm very pleased to find the comet is such a bad condition, but I think experiences are required under such a condition. Also I need to point out that the brightness estimation is far from reliable since the sky condition is far from satisfying.
I should have wait for more time but today I'm very tired. I think I must go to bed now or I may catch a cold. Good luck to you all!
Update: I just receive a fresh image from Lulin Observatory, taken by the Lulin 10-cm f/8 refractor with U9000 CCD last night (300s x 5 combined). The comet looks really gorgeous! Note its newly-developed beautiful dust tail! After earning their permission to publicaze the image on my blog, I'm showing it here. Well, I just bound up my hair for a few hours last night and the comet soon made a response? (the comet looks very different now comparing the images prior to Feb. 22, you may browse for a comparasion) Bravo, fantastic. I'll depart soon for Gaocun Village, a remote site about 150 kilometers from Guangzhou which is one of the bases of our Guangdong Southern Cross Star Association, for a good view of the comet. Stay tuned for updates.
Lulin to reach her brightness maximum
Feb 23rd
It has been quite a while since my last update about Lulin. Sorry, guys, I learn that many of you keep visiting my blog to see what's up with Lulin's boyfriend. Actually, I was on travel from Feb. 2 to 21, that's in the course of my "five-ring" project. I plan to visit China's every corner by complete five paths on the country, and this ring is the No. 2. This time I travel about 5,200 kilometers, while 312.7 kilometers of them were in hiking, I visited 16 places in those 20 days, and this trip is nicknamed "eastern minor ring" by myself.
Okay, enough chatter. The new term has begun so I back home and back to the campus, with my 11x70 binocular this time. I had once brought my 11x70 and even the 13-cm refractor to my dormitory, but they did not stay for long -- because our dormitory building is facing the girl's, so there had been some guys asking what could I see through the telescope when pointing it to... somewhere. "Oh well," I replied, "be aware that you will see many pores!" After all, I brought my telescopes home.
According to the most recent (in 24 hours) observations, Comet Lulin has brighten to about mag. 4.6-5.0, with a coma of 20'-30' (even as large as 50' in naked-eye reports) and a tail at a length at about 1-2 deg. Here at Guangzhou it's still cloudy, but I expect the sky to be partly clear tonight and mostly clear in Tuesday night. To let you know, I can't wait anymore to see the most beautiful Lulin!
Although there are no observations from the discoverer at this moment, I get something that might be interesting. After Dr. Tony Phillips' article at NASA, Lulin has got a new nickname, "The Green Comet". I love this name, not only because the fresh green fuzzy ball is lovely indeed, but also for another reason. Why does it looks green? Cyanogen and diatomic carbon count one; another reason is a Chinese language humor -- my family name is Ye ("叶", pronounce as "yeah"), and this means "leave" in Chinese, while Chi Sheng Lin's family name means "forest" ("林", combination of two "wood" charactor), both "Ye" and "Lin" relate to green color, so that may be one of the reasons why the comet looks green.
There are confusions about why Lulin has two opposited tails. I create a simple figure to explain this phenomena, see below.
Okay, so much for this. The sky is clearing, so I'm going out for a try. Stay tuned for update!
Feb 22nd
- 2月2日/广州、厦门:CZ3807次航班由广州飞抵厦门,与谢文鹏逛中山路及拜会陈栋华,夜宿谢文鹏家。是日徒步距离为2.3千米;
- 2月3日/厦门、宁波:逛鼓浪屿,环厦门岛,逛厦门大学,SC4710次航班由厦门飞抵宁波,夜宿宁波李宅国际青年旅舍。是日徒步距离为21.9千米;
- 2月4日/宁波、绍兴、杭州:与Vicki逛天一阁、月湖,到城隍庙吃小吃,T796由宁波到绍兴,逛鲁迅故里和仓桥直街,T798到杭州东,夜宿杭州吴山驿国际青年旅舍。是日徒步距离为13.5千米;
- 2月5日/杭州:逛浙江大学、西湖,与赵晋和丁舒珊会晤,夜宿杭州吴山驿国际青年旅舍。是日徒步距离为19.8千米;
- 2月6日/杭州:逛吴山、城隍庙、凤凰山,参加杭州高级中学天文社的聚会以及社区天文科普活动,拜会林岚、胡韵希、吴俊栋、杨毅等人,夜宿杭州吴山驿国际青年旅舍。是日徒步距离为21.5千米;
- 2月7日/杭州、上海:T786由杭州到上海,逛豫园、外滩、南京路,夜宿上海蓝山国际青年旅舍。是日徒步距离为14.8千米;
- 2月8日/上海、周庄、同里、苏州:旅游大巴由上海到周庄,逛周庄,城镇小巴由周庄到同里,逛同里,城镇小巴由同里到苏州,拜会陈韬,夜宿苏州明涵堂国际青年旅舍。是日徒步距离为18.2千米;
- 2月9日/苏州:逛留园、寒山寺、虎丘、平江路、山塘。是日徒步距离为15.7千米;
- 2月10日/苏州、无锡、镇江:逛拙政园、狮子林,T766由苏州到无锡,与Lean逛鼋头渚、太湖,K188由无锡到镇江,夜宿镇江小山楼国际青年旅舍。是日徒步距离为15.8千米;
- 2月11日/镇江、南京:逛西津渡、金山、焦山,D442由镇江到南京,夜宿南京国际青年旅舍。是日徒步距离为11.6千米;
- 2月12日/南京:逛南京大学、紫金山天文台、总统府、鸡鸣寺、玄武湖,夜宿南京国际青年旅舍。是日徒步距离为13.7千米;
- 2月13日/南京:逛南京长江大桥,瞻仰南京大屠杀纪念馆,逛朝天宫和中华门,夜宿南京国际青年旅舍。是日徒步距离为21.6千米;
- 2月14日/南京:逛明孝陵,瞻仰中山陵,逛夫子庙、秦淮河、明城墙,夜宿南京国际青年旅舍。是日徒步距离为28.2千米;
- 2月15日/黄山:7101由南京南到黄山(屯溪),中巴由屯溪到汤口,夜宿望秀山大酒店。是日徒步距离为3.0千米;
- 2月16日/黄山:由云谷寺上山,游览白鹅岭、清凉台、始信峰、西海大峡谷、丹霞峰,夜宿北海宾馆。是日徒步距离为17.4千米;
- 2月17日/黄山:游览清凉台、西海大峡谷、回音壁、飞来石、光明顶、天海,夜宿白云宾馆。是日徒步距离为11.3千米;
- 2月18日/黄山:游览光明顶、西海大峡谷、一线天、鳌鱼峰、百步云梯、迎客松等,由半山寺下山,中巴由汤口到屯溪,逛屯溪老街,2239由黄山(屯溪)往南昌。是日徒步距离为22.7千米;
- 2月19日/南昌、武汉:游览滕王阁、八一起义纪念馆、八一广场、革命烈士纪念馆,与迟内人许婷同学会晤,L40由南昌往武昌,夜宿武汉探路者国际青年旅舍。是日徒步距离为12.5千米;
- 2月20日/武汉:游览黄鹤楼、辛亥革命纪念馆、武汉长江大桥、湖北省博物馆、东湖、武汉大学,与许文韬、王祎会晤,夜宿武汉探路者国际青年旅舍。是日徒步距离为20.9千米;
- 2月21日/岳阳、广州:K471由武昌到岳阳,逛黄鹤楼,T301由岳阳返广州东。是日徒步距离为6.3千米。
东部小回环流水账 [6]
Feb 21st
拖到回了广州才写流水账的最后一篇,实在有点…… 但也是客观因素所迫。
17日清晨,气温下降到了零下4-5摄氏度,由于下了一整晚的冻雨,黄山的一切似乎都已冻结,只有狂风呼呼怒吼。游记是一定会描写黄山冬日的情景了。今天出了更多的滑跌事故,最严重者腿都摔断了,这天我也为自己的冒险行为捏了不小的汗,好多地方都只能爬过去。冰封的西海大峡谷空无一人,又险又美,但奉劝大家最好不要在结冰的时候通行,即使装了冰爪。我在开拔西海大峡谷南线(由于中部的栈道已经封闭,因此只能南北线各走一次)之前有两个警察叫我不要冒险进入峡谷,但…… 我还是进去了,当然自己还是有把握的啦,呵呵,走到西海瑶台以后发现前方道路实在过于危险,所以说服自己折返了。总之,我还是很庆幸17日晚上还能活蹦乱跳地回到宾馆睡觉。这一天游玩了清凉台、西海大峡谷南北线(南线仅冒险走了一段)、回音壁、飞来石和光明顶,夜宿白云宾馆。
我一路上碰到了很多对黄山风景很失望的游客。其实雾里黄山,别有一番景色,只需要你偶尔停下来静静的用心品味,好几个景点我都是走了两三次的(比如西海大峡谷和光明顶)。那种one night stay有什么意思呢?好吧,这一番大道理等到游记里再讲述。
这普快居然晚了1个多小时到南昌,大约19日7点多才到。到南昌本来是要看看老友迟君兼登滕王阁,但老迟的校区距离市区比较远,而且当天恰好抽不开身,他便请内人许婷君代为接待。这里要大大感谢许君在实习的百忙之中抽空来接站,还给我买了一份丰盛的早餐…… 当然感谢是要同时给他们俩的,吼吼。
原来临客和想象的还是有点不一样的,我还以为临客和普慢差不多,没想到一路开得像个特快,而且一个站也不停,只是最后在武汉市郊停了2个小时,——给6辆货车和一辆特快让道。我在武汉将停留1天多一点的时间,主要目标是黄鹤楼、湖北博物馆和武汉大学。20日,中午逛了黄鹤楼和辛亥革命纪念馆(就在黄鹤楼对面),顺便看了看武汉长江大桥;下午坐车去湖北博物馆,这地方值得一去!尤其是夫差的矛和勾践的剑,顺带体验了一下传说中武汉公交的飙车;晚上逛武汉大学,会见老许和未曾谋面的王祎MM,相谈甚欢。21日早晨6点,搭K471去岳阳,这次旅行更加完美了—— 传说中的“贴票”,就是人贴人站立的票。反正那两个小时下来以后,我差点连路都不会走了。向各位春运时节买过贴票的朋友致敬!
岳阳嘛,只有一个点:三大名楼的最后一座—— 岳阳楼。但现实中的三大名楼都没给我太深的印象,我想,如果对中国古代文化没有太多的了解的话,三大名楼是大可不必去的。在岳阳楼上碰到一堆生意人在那里龇牙咧嘴地探寻杜甫《登岳阳楼》的意境,很无语。顺带一提,对岳阳的印象和对镇江的印象差不多一样糟糕。
T301,岳阳到广州东,东部小回环之旅因此而“划上完美的句号”—— 因为我买到的是传说中的“卧改坐”。就这样,我基本上把春运的经典场面都浏览过了—— 抢票、站票、贴票、卧改坐,顺带加上绿皮、普慢,真可以算是个意外收获,一次完美的体验。
东部小回环流水账 [5]
Feb 15th
Valentine's Day with Comet Lulin?
Feb 14th
Today is my last day at Nanjing, I visited Ming Tomb, Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum, Gate of China, Nanjing Wall, etc. These places are great (actually, you may have seen the recently-updated photos here, they were all taken during my country-cross travel). But the biggest surprise is made by Liaoshan and Yunxi, sending me such a message: "Happy Valentine's Day -- with you 'Lulin'!"
Okay, I admit that Liaoshan had remind me to take a look of Lulin at Valentine's Day yesterday, but I had enjoy my trip so much so I wouldn't like to move out in the cold winds for a glimpse of the comet. "Oh well, the weather won't permit me to do that," I told her, "today (Feb. 13) is cold and rainy." But actually, Feb. 14 is mostly clear.
So I made something special to celebrate the only Valentine's Day with Comet Lulin: for the first time in my life, I make up my hair to match the appearance of the comet (as below). Can you find the "ion-tail" on my forehead?
I'd most probably have three snowy days at Mount Huangshan, so it's unlikely for me to spot Comet Lulin there. Anyway, I'll try to see it again at her brightest after I back to Guangzhou. Thanks Liaoshan and Yunxi for the reminds!
东部小回环流水账 [4]
Feb 13th
拙政园号称中华四大名园之首,在我看来它至少配得上三大名园之首的称号(因为还有最后一个园—— 承德避暑山庄—— 还没去过),值得细细品味,尤其要找人少的时候去。狮子林也蛮精致而有趣的,它让我在这趟旅行中第一次迷了路。之后就离开苏州上无锡了。
另外,国人的素质实在是…… 进那么肃穆的地方能不能自觉把手机调无声呀?至少不应该到处接电话或者拍照吧,太刺耳了。应该去东洋接受再教育。东洋人让人五体投地的国民素质和那尊张牙舞爪的武士雕像是我对那个国家最深刻的印象。
好吧,暂时收起这些严肃的话题,我想以后会有时候认真的讨论的。今天余下的行程去了朝天宫和中华门,最后到南京南站买了一张很强大的火车票—— 15日清晨去黄山的7101次普客(目前中国最慢的火车)。根据天气预测,黄山的游玩时间定下来了—— 15-18日,因为预计15日晚到18日上午黄山的高山地区将出现降雪。我上一次亲临雪景还是5年前了。期待。
因为今天的步行距离达21.6公里,比较疲惫,何况是感冒还没全好 所以以上的话有可能逻辑性很有问题,至少不符合我的精品风格,所以还是请各位多多包涵。另外,武汉和岳阳已经加入我的旅行计划,预计21-22日之间回到广州。祝开学的各位开学快乐。(图片呀,算了…… 现在都23点多了…… 下次吧…… 或者,明天吧……)
东部小回环流水账 [3]
Feb 9th
日落时分坐车去苏州。很不幸,苏州给我的印象不是一般的差…… 其他话就不多说了,至少公交车应该报个站吧?晚上,与陈韬会面,大侃特侃。
P.S. 晴天钟继续维持16-19日黄山下雪的预测,不过雪量可能不会很大,山上最低气温低于零下5摄氏度,期待指数持续高涨!这一次我就先不上图啦,等到到了南京悠闲的时候再给各位一些新照看看吧~~~
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