Nov 27th
Hello all:
These requests have been proceed:
Sabadell, Spain
Guimaraes, Portugal
Paris, France
And following request has not been proceed:
Argentina, Bs. As. Ramos Mej铆a
[Please give the full name of your location, and please do not use non-eng code.]
And following 7Timer! has been modify:
Tupancireta, Brazil
Enjoy your day,
Nov 13th
Now following requests have been proceed.
Guaynabo, USA
Perth, UK
Zurich, Switzerland
Harestua Solar Obs. Norway
Frankfurt, Germany
Herrliberg, Switzerland
Tupancireta, Brazil
Finally have to process. These days I spent all my free time to NEAT archives, so I don't have time to upgrade the website, improve the model, etc.
1. For the user from Switzerland, who request Zurich and Herrliberg, please note that the long/lati are the same, so you won't see anything different from the two sites' 7Timer!.
2. For the user from Norway, please note that transparency for daytime might be unaccurate.
[For requests from China] 上海和柳州都已经存在相应的7Timer!了,其中上海的申请已经在“上海市”7Timer!的覆盖范围以内。
Happy using,
Note: The next update will be on Nov.27, 2005.
Service will be available tonight
Nov 11th
Hello all,
I found the problem -- NCEP has change the format of naming the data files. So I've ask Zuqiang to modify the command files. So the service should again be available tonight (CST -- about 14-15 UT), if not, it will be available tomorrow.
Thank you for your understanding,
Service temporary down
Nov 11th
Hello all,
Just then the server master mailed me and told me the server is not good at the moment, and I found 7Timer! has been down for several days.
I apologize to all the users, but please wait patiently at the moment, as I don't know when can the server recovered from the problem. The server master told me he is trying to fix the problem by moving all the files to a new server.
Best regards,
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