About the new model

Hello all,
I determine to release at least an improve version these days. Some users have already told me some problems 7Timer! has made, and I think the only thing I can do is to raise cloud cover output, this may made things more accuracy.
Tonight (now) some beta-models have been put into practice and tomorrow or so will comes some more beta-models.
Best for all, it really did increase my pressure these days,

7Timer!s update

Hello all,
These 7Timer!s have been updated:

河南省 舞钢市
Argentina Zona Norte, Buenos Aires
Ireland Carlow
Lithuania Kaunas
Ireland Cork

And this request did not passed:

浙江省 杭州市凤起路 [直接用杭州的就行啦。很明显和赵晋他们一起的吧?这个世界真小,哈哈哈哈!]

Please note next proceed time will be... let me see, Feb. 19 if not mistaken. Also there'll be a new message in "7Timer!" box very soon, about the new model upgrade and other things.