Aug 23rd
今天处理了前段时间webcam拍的一段视频,希望诸位会有兴趣观赏 说到音乐,我就想起早已远去的初中时代,那时候写了一百多首曲子。现在很久都没有写过曲子了,但依然对音乐保持着不变的兴趣:我相信宇宙通用的语言,一是数学,一是音乐。自然也努力修炼练琴技巧,高手请不要见笑。
The author was gazing the Tian Shan mountains. Taken by Wenpeng Xie at Kunges Valley of Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region on August 9, 2008. The Tian Shan ("celestrial mountains") is the largest mountain range located in Central Asia.
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