A Lulin-style hair before hair cut
Mar 5th
Revised on 2009 March 12.
With the help from Sisi Chen, I finally managed to make a "Lulin-style" hair before I cut it off -- see above. I wish to thank Sisi for her patient and help. Sisi is also a fan of astronomy, and she had been well possible to study astronomy in Nanking University -- but for some coincidence she came to Sun Yat-sen University and study meteorology as me.
Today I went to the barber's and cut my hair very short. Let's see how Lulin will response this time! Before updates on Lulin's appearance, let's see some nice photos from Lulin and others.
This very nice photo is taken by Michael Pagitz with a GRAS (Global Rent-a-scope) telescope, used with permission. Michael is a long term user of 7Timer! service (http://7timer.y234.cn) and I'm really happy to see his nice Lulin image!
And finally I took some Lulin images with the 0.41-m reflector (the one which found the comet) during the course of Lulin Sky Survey, and confirmed that I have to the right to publish them on my blog this time (but please don't re-post these images on your sites). The animation above show a major burst during late Feb. 25, the duration of this animation is about 1-hour (around 15-16h UT).
The one above is taken on Feb. 28 with LRGB combined, the total exposure time is about 170 minutes. There are other images below you may have a look. According to the latest reports, the comet is still visible to naked-eye observers at magnitude of about 5.5.
Valentine's Day with Comet Lulin?
Feb 14th
Today is my last day at Nanjing, I visited Ming Tomb, Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum, Gate of China, Nanjing Wall, etc. These places are great (actually, you may have seen the recently-updated photos here, they were all taken during my country-cross travel). But the biggest surprise is made by Liaoshan and Yunxi, sending me such a message: "Happy Valentine's Day -- with you 'Lulin'!"
Okay, I admit that Liaoshan had remind me to take a look of Lulin at Valentine's Day yesterday, but I had enjoy my trip so much so I wouldn't like to move out in the cold winds for a glimpse of the comet. "Oh well, the weather won't permit me to do that," I told her, "today (Feb. 13) is cold and rainy." But actually, Feb. 14 is mostly clear.
So I made something special to celebrate the only Valentine's Day with Comet Lulin: for the first time in my life, I make up my hair to match the appearance of the comet (as below). Can you find the "ion-tail" on my forehead?
I'd most probably have three snowy days at Mount Huangshan, so it's unlikely for me to spot Comet Lulin there. Anyway, I'll try to see it again at her brightest after I back to Guangzhou. Thanks Liaoshan and Yunxi for the reminds!
Lulin's reminder
Feb 8th
Sorry for lacking of updates on Lulin, I haven't many stories to tell as the comet speaks itself (herself), what's more, I'm now on a cross-country travel and is always on mobile, so I can't write much. If any of you happens to be at a YHA around Shanghai now, please let me know and we could possibly meet. Now I'm at a YHA hostel at Suzhou.
Okay, I just got a humor. I had mention earlier that I had let myself grow a long hair in order to "simulate" Lulin's tail. However, my parents and my friends don't like it, partly because I don't do make-up and my hair looks like a bad grassfield. A few days ago they found a very good reason for persuading me to cut it short: "Lulin's tail 'brokes'" (see http://www.spaceweather.com/archive.php?PHPSESSID=1s4hdb74jqcn8s8ss7juiaggl4&month=02&day=05&year=2009&view=view).
"Your Lulin reminds you that it's time to cut your hair!" Liaoshan Shi sent me a short message via mobile phone. This is a good humor, I admit, but her trick still doesn't work, I simply make my hair more tousy to make it appeared to be "disconnected"!
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