

引自 http://alkibiades.freeblog.hu/archives/2006/01/。作者看来是一位艺术家,能画画又会弹琴,只是全是匈牙利文,看不懂...

[#63] GRIB2 decoded succeed, recent progress (中文/EN)



[[Image:Other/20070204a.png|500|GRIB1 format (1deg.)]]

[[Image:Other/20070204b.png|500|GRIB2 format (0.5deg.)]]

Hi all, glad to announce a good news: the GRIB2 data has been successfully decoded. GRIB2 format raises the resolution to ~55km, which is eight time better than the currently-used GRIB1 format. Test images are shown here.

As the DEGRIB is not quite smoothly working with GrADS, I've no plan to put the GRIB2 data into use in near future. These days I plan to continue on evaluating 7Timer!-ArP.

7Timer! encounted problem

The server moved to a new IP address and this led to another headache problem. This address has a very slow speed to GFS data server, and the ArP cannot get the data (error: connect time out). So 7Timer! suspended since Feb.1. I'm contacting the administrator for a solution.




  可是么,好东西就是难用上。其实高考结束我就发现它了,但就是因为GrADS不支持GRIB2才放手的。今天忙碌了一个下午,哎…… 这个GrADS也真是慢腾腾,用了2年了,还是1.8-s11和1.9-b4两个版本,估计要等到猴年马月才会支持GRIB2。和我们的班主任王老师讨教了一阵,于是现在有2种办法:

  • grib2ctl+wgrib2尝试。可这个grib2ctl真是很抠门,在linux+perl下才能运行。LASG给的exe转译文件也没法和wgrib2结合起来。wgrib2么?倒也是可以,但是要在linux环境下自己编译和安装。本人太懒,不大想走这条路,于是留下几个网站:
  • degrib。现在就在尝试,因为看来要可行的多。其实它就是先把GRIB2转成GRIB1然后再处理,但如果真的能弄成,估计要耗掉一大堆系统资源…… lamost估计要给弄垮了说。不管,我先试试看。


7Timer! recovery done

After fixed several problems, the ArP is now working properly. ArP version now upgrade to 2.1-b4, and 7Timer! version now is 3.2-s2.

I'm now working on these fields:

  • Try to switch to GRIB2 files, it will raise the resolution from 1 deg to 0.5 deg.
  • Evaluating ArP, for more funtion.
  • Develop 7Timer!-Live (temp name), for daily/regular usage.



7Timer! recovery delay

Sadly, the ArP (Auto-run Program) encounted a problem again, the processing software, GrADS, was not properly set and led to complex problems. I'm unable to handle it today. Give it another try tomorrow.

7Timer! recovery progress

Today word for a whole day on the ArP, thankfully I finally locate the problems and have them fixed, after some "php snacks" for a basic knowledge of php coding. GrADS can be started by the shell files.

After around half an hour the Crontab will automatically started the ArP and we can figure how it works after these operations...

7Timer! recovery progress

As the auto-run program (ARP) does not compile with the new server, 7Timer! still doesn't work right so far. Now the downloader can run but it seems GrADS cannot be started by shell file. So ARP is now downloading the latest data but the problem is still not fixed. Please be patient, things should be all right soon.


