Neujahrskonzert 2009 program released
Dec 5th
@天籁之音 | 1,444次浏览(views)
The Wiener Philharmoniker has just published the program of Neujahrskonzert 2009 as follow:
Johann Strauss II (1825-1899)
1. Ouvertüre, "Eine Nacht in Venedig" ; Overture to "A Night in Venice"
2. Märchen aus dem Orient. Walzer, op. 444; Fairy tale from the Orient
3. Annen-Polka, op. 117
4. Schnellpost-Polka. Polka schnell, op. 159; Mail Express
5. Rosen aus dem Süden. Walzer, op. 388; Roses from the South
6. Freikugeln. Polka schnell, op. 326; Free-shooter
7. Ouvertüre, "Zigeunerbaron" ; Overture to the Gypsy Baron
8. Einzugsmarsch, "Zigeunerbaron" ; Processional March from the Gypsy Baron
9. Schatz-Walzer, op. 418; Treasure WaltzJoseph Hellmesberger, Jr. (1855-1907)
10. Valse espagnole
Johann Strauss I (1804-1849)
11. Zampa Galopp, op. 62
Johann Strauss II
12. Alexandrinen-Polka, op. 198
13. Unter Donner und Blitz. Polka schnell, op. 324; Under Thunder and LightningJoseph Strauss (1827-1870)
14. Sphärenklänge. Walzer, op. 235; Music of the Spheres
Johann Strauss II
15. Éljen a Magyár! Polka schnell, op. 332
Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)
16. Abschiedssymphonie, 4. Satz, Hob. I/45; Farewell Symphony
Johann Strauss II
17. So angstlich sind wir nicht!-Polka schnell, op.413; We are not fearful!
18. An der schönen,blauen Donau Walzer, op.314; On the Beautiful Blue DanubeJohann Strauss I
19. Radetzky-Marsch, op.228
The Wiener Philharmoniker is continuely bringing new faces to Neujahrskonzert. Newjahrskonzert 2009 will be conducted by the 66 year-old Israeli, Daniel Barenboim. Barenboim is considered to be one of the most talent pianist in the world, as well as a well-known conductor.
Similar to their decision for the 2008's conductor, Wiener Philharmoniker has invited another master who is familiar to German-Austrian composers. Although borned in Argentina, Barenboim received a systematic education on music in Europe during his early age, and he now acts the General Music Director of the State Opera Unter den Linden in Berlin. I am sure he will have a unique understanding of Strauss's pieces, although may not be as "pure" as Nikolaus Harnoncourt, even Georges Prêtre.
The first piece, Overture to "A Night in Venice", was played by Harnoncourt in the year 2001, it is interesting to see how Barenboim will organize, comparing with Harnoncourt's. Also it has been a few years since Marches are selected as the open music instead of an overture. A number of long-unplayed pieces are selected, plus a few "fresh" ones -- Fairy tale from the Orient, Alexandrinen, "We are not fearful!". The later's name sounds interesting, considering the economic problem we are facing, and it will be exciting to see what kinds of "humor" will Barenboim and his companions will put on show. It is also an exception that a symphony is chosen -- although only one movement will be played -- that is Joseph Haydn's No. 45 Symphony, "Farewell". This exception is made since 2009 is the 200th anniversary of Haydn's death. Another carefully-chosen piece is Joseph Strauss's Music of the Spheres, that is because 2009 is also the International Year of Astronomy.
Neujahrskonzert 2009 will be my 13th live Neujahrskonzert since 1996. I am pleased to annouce I have found a "comrade" around -- Miss. Sissi. Although not studying music professionally, Sissi is a big fan of classical, especially on Strauss's waltzs (she is a excellent dancer). Let us hope that Neujahrskonzert 2009 will be another nice "New Year's gift" for us all.
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