用于安卓和iOS的新应用 | Additional apps for Android and iOS
Oct 11th
应用页面添加了三个新应用:用于安卓的One More Cloud Widget、Vortex Planetarium以及iOS的Sky Harbinger,欢迎各位尝鲜!
We are happy to add three additional apps that involve with 7Timer data on the apps page: One More Cloud Widget and Vortex Planetarium for Android, and Sky Harbinger for iOS.
晴天钟服务恢复 | Server issue resolved
Oct 11th
After code revision, the server can handle moderately heavy traffic now, regular data updates have been resumed since Oct 10. The server may remain slightly slow for given times for a few more days. In respond to this issue, the simultaneous request limit of program API has been reduced from 128 to 64, additional request will get ERR50013 error. Please refer to the updated documentation for details.
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