
[彗星消息] 9月7日,F.Fratev等人报告了彗星P/1998 W1 (Spahr)的回归,亮度为17等,它已经在3日通过近日点,近日距1.73AU。
[新彗星]洛维尔天文台9月2日报告了一颗新彗星的发现,它已经在8月为林肯近地小行星搜索计划所拍到。P/2005 R2 (Van Ness)已经在去年2月11日,于2.1AU处通过了近日点,周期为6.4年。另外,去年3月发现的小行星被证实是一颗彗星,它已经在2004年8月,于4.1AU处通过近日点,周期为11年。其编号为P/2004 FY140 (LINEAR)

Sept.11 update / 9月11日更新

已更新列表/Update list
2005.09.05 13:56(CST) 辽宁省沈阳市苏家屯区佟沟乡-北沙河观测站
2005.09.07 10:31(CST) 陕西省渭南市临渭区
2005.09.07 12:58(UT) Jakutsk, Russia
2005.09.07 22:58(UT) Povoa de Varzim, Porto, Portugal
2005.09.08 03:18(UT) Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
2005.09.09 11:51(CST) 广东省中山市
2005.09.10 01:34(CST) 武汉市武昌珞珈山
2005.09.10 14:17(CST) 四川省广元市中区112厂
2005.09.11 00:43(CST) 广西扶绥昌平
2005.09.11 12:54(CST) 浙江省天台县平桥镇
2005.09.11 13:43(CST) 西藏自治区拉萨市
2005.09.11 13:47(CST) 广东省茂名市祥和小区
2005.09.11 05:53(UT) Irkutsk, Russia
2005.09.11 05:55(UT) Singapore
2005.09.11 06:00(UT) Sydney, Australia


[新彗星]8月31日,林肯近地小行星搜索计划发现一颗新小行星有彗星活动,后来被证实这是一颗周期彗星,编号P/2005 R2 (LINEAR),周期为7.6年,近日距为1.7AU,将于9月28日通过近日点。9月2日,近地天体追踪(NEAT)也发现了一颗新的周期彗星,编号P/2005 R1 (NEAT),周期14年。这两颗彗星都很暗,不超过18等。
[SOHO彗星]T.Hoffman发现C/2005 Q2 (梅耶族)和C/2005 Q3(非族)。SOHO已经发现了1003颗新彗星。

7Timer! request processing of Sept.8

Hello all,
I apologize - due to a bug in the auto-send system, all the requests which wrote before Sept.7, 11 UTC were not send.
Here is a list of all requests I've recived, if your request(s) did not appear in the list, please send it again here or use the auto-send system.
2005-09-7 12:38: Jakutsk, Russia
2005-09-07 22:58: Povoa de Varzim, Porto, Portugese. (Bomdia, but please notice which is "longitude" or "latitude" next time :-)
2005-09-08 03:18: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

I'm very sorry for this inconvinience. And thank you for your support, I'm very glad that there're many global users come.
And, as a special note, these requests will be process on Saturday/Sunday. However, you'll be able to see these 7Timer! before next Monday.

-7Timer! Group

NEAT searching blog on Sept.5

COD 644
CON Quanzhi Ye, Guangzhou, China [[email protected]]
OBS R. Bambery, E. Helin, S. Pravdo, M. Hicks, K. Lawrence, R. Thicksten
MEA Quanzhi Ye
TEL 1.2-m Schmidt + CCD
ACK MPCReport file updated 2005.09.05 13:37:48
AC2 [email protected]
QY595A C2002 06 18.25500 17 23 49.41 -12 28 19.0 16.1 R 644
QY595A C2002 06 18.30546 17 23 53.02 -12 28 29.5 15.8 R 644
QY595A C2002 06 18.37856 17 23 55.55 -12 28 36.4 15.9 R 644
----- end -----

QY595A turned out to be 03026
QY595B turned out to be 42687
QY595C turned out to be 69927
QY595D turned out to be 77308

Discoveries and confirmations during the search on Sept.4

20021029045623a 01 26 40.15 +00 07 15.9 2002-10-29 04:56:53 60 Y
20021029052659a 01 26 40.54 +00 07 20.2 2002-10-29 05:27:29 60 Y
20021029055703a 01 26 39.13 +00 07 27.1 2002-10-29 05:57:33 60 Y

Bright object in centre-left. Sign as QY594C. It turned out to be (50834) 2000 FV40 later.
Bright object in centre-right. Sign as QY594D. It turned out to be 2002 SW39 later.

20020602072304a 19 17 41.18 -16 32 08.7 2002-06-02 07:23:34 60 Y
20020602073913a 19 17 41.51 -16 31 59.7 2002-06-02 07:39:43 60 Y
20020602075324a 19 17 40.24 -16 31 48.1 2002-06-02 07:53:54 60 Y

15:10 CST: Faint object in centre-left, two pass, and the possibly third one get into a group of bright stars. Sign as QY594E. No known objects in this region.
15:28 CST: Now is trying to calculated the orbit.
15:57 CST: Now checking possibly 2-nighter objects.

Orbital elements:
Perihelion 2002 May 29.319400 TT
Epoch 2002 Jun 2.0 TT = JDT 2452427.5 Find_Orb
M 3.22709 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.87678593 Peri. 3.80254 -0.36953268 0.92913897
a 1.0811194 Node 244.51098 -0.85289377 -0.34431879
e 0.0486913 Incl. 0.76793 -0.36880592 -0.13470462
P 1.12 /410.58d H 25.9 G 0.15 q 1.0284783
From 3 observations 2002 June 2-2 (30.3 min); RMS error 3.207 arcseconds

16:18 CST: Possibly2-nighter found on May 24, 2002, but may not be a real one because the error might be too large.

16:33 CST: Recovery failed... It's too faint.

20020611092307c 19 17 29.03 -16 48 45.0 2002-06-11 09:23:37 60 Y
20020611093834c 19 17 29.67 -16 48 45.9 2002-06-11 09:39:04 60 Y
20020611095358c 19 17 28.51 -16 48 41.9 2002-06-11 09:54:28 60 Y

16:35 CST: Bight object discovered on upper-left. Signed as QY594F.
16:39 CST: Object known! (21817) Yingling.

20020926042120a 22 52 40.08 +31 46 02.6 2002-09-26 04:21:50 60 Y
20020926045156a 22 52 40.34 +31 46 07.3 2002-09-26 04:52:26 60 Y
20020926052101a 22 52 38.86 +31 46 15.1 2002-09-26 05:21:31 60 Y

17:04 CST: Fairly object discovered on upper-centre. Signed as QY594G. No known object in this region!
17:15 CST: Failed to recover QY594G due to the block in the images.

20021011023751a 22 52 41.38 +31 46 07.2 2002-10-11 02:38:21 60 Y
20021011030701a 22 52 41.59 +31 46 05.4 2002-10-11 03:07:31 60 Y
20021011033738a 22 52 40.07 +31 46 15.4 2002-10-11 03:38:08 60 Y

17:24 CST: Fairly object discovered on lower-centre, signed as QY594H.
17:26 CST: No known object in this region! Now is going to calculated the orbit and try to recover it.
18:06 CST: Unable to get a 2-nighter image, recovery failed. (sigh... that's a nice one!)

QY594J C2002 11 23.52407 09 38 34.50 +25 27 58.1 20.5 R 644
QY594J C2002 11 23.53470 09 38 34.95 +25 27 59.8 20.6 R 644
QY594J C2002 11 23.54537 09 38 35.34 +25 28 01.2 20.2 R 644
18:35 CST: New object! Sign as QY594J.
18:44 CST: It turns out to be 2001 SR313...

20030307090600c 09 37 39.10 +25 32 38.0 2003-03-07 09:06:30 60 Y
20030307092101c 09 37 38.83 +25 32 30.9 2003-03-07 09:21:31 60 Y
20030307093614c 09 37 36.73 +25 32 28.8 2003-03-07 09:36:44 60 Y

Confirmations... QY594L to be 2001 SM47
QY594M to be 2001 XV120
QY594N to be 2001 RJ151
QY594O to be 14512.

Reply: Object submitted at 14h CST, Sept.4

Object already known. QY594B was (47376) 1999 XW94.

New object discovered

20020926054400b 00 47 55.89 +02 39 08.2 2002-09-26 05:45:15 150 Y
20020926072500b 00 47 55.20 +02 39 24.0 2002-09-26 07:26:15 150 Y
20020926091007b 00 47 50.10 +02 39 19.0 2002-09-26 09:11:22 150 Y

A bright object discovered on the centre-left. It was signed as QY594B.

Start my NEAT searching project


20030119094859b 10 48 42.20 +23 41 05.3 2003-01-19 09:49:29 60 Y
20030119101930b 10 48 42.67 +23 41 05.1 2003-01-19 10:20:00 60 Y
20030119105029b 10 48 41.35 +23 41 07.9 2003-01-19 10:50:59 60 Y

Lucky enough to find an object so soon... in the centre of the blink images, a bright one. Now I'm going to check if it's a known one.

