东部小回环流水账 [4]
Feb 13th
拙政园号称中华四大名园之首,在我看来它至少配得上三大名园之首的称号(因为还有最后一个园—— 承德避暑山庄—— 还没去过),值得细细品味,尤其要找人少的时候去。狮子林也蛮精致而有趣的,它让我在这趟旅行中第一次迷了路。之后就离开苏州上无锡了。
另外,国人的素质实在是…… 进那么肃穆的地方能不能自觉把手机调无声呀?至少不应该到处接电话或者拍照吧,太刺耳了。应该去东洋接受再教育。东洋人让人五体投地的国民素质和那尊张牙舞爪的武士雕像是我对那个国家最深刻的印象。
好吧,暂时收起这些严肃的话题,我想以后会有时候认真的讨论的。今天余下的行程去了朝天宫和中华门,最后到南京南站买了一张很强大的火车票—— 15日清晨去黄山的7101次普客(目前中国最慢的火车)。根据天气预测,黄山的游玩时间定下来了—— 15-18日,因为预计15日晚到18日上午黄山的高山地区将出现降雪。我上一次亲临雪景还是5年前了。期待。
因为今天的步行距离达21.6公里,比较疲惫,何况是感冒还没全好 所以以上的话有可能逻辑性很有问题,至少不符合我的精品风格,所以还是请各位多多包涵。另外,武汉和岳阳已经加入我的旅行计划,预计21-22日之间回到广州。祝开学的各位开学快乐。(图片呀,算了…… 现在都23点多了…… 下次吧…… 或者,明天吧……)
东部小回环流水账 [3]
Feb 9th
日落时分坐车去苏州。很不幸,苏州给我的印象不是一般的差…… 其他话就不多说了,至少公交车应该报个站吧?晚上,与陈韬会面,大侃特侃。
P.S. 晴天钟继续维持16-19日黄山下雪的预测,不过雪量可能不会很大,山上最低气温低于零下5摄氏度,期待指数持续高涨!这一次我就先不上图啦,等到到了南京悠闲的时候再给各位一些新照看看吧~~~
Lulin's reminder
Feb 8th
Sorry for lacking of updates on Lulin, I haven't many stories to tell as the comet speaks itself (herself), what's more, I'm now on a cross-country travel and is always on mobile, so I can't write much. If any of you happens to be at a YHA around Shanghai now, please let me know and we could possibly meet. Now I'm at a YHA hostel at Suzhou.
Okay, I just got a humor. I had mention earlier that I had let myself grow a long hair in order to "simulate" Lulin's tail. However, my parents and my friends don't like it, partly because I don't do make-up and my hair looks like a bad grassfield. A few days ago they found a very good reason for persuading me to cut it short: "Lulin's tail 'brokes'" (see http://www.spaceweather.com/archive.php?PHPSESSID=1s4hdb74jqcn8s8ss7juiaggl4&month=02&day=05&year=2009&view=view).
"Your Lulin reminds you that it's time to cut your hair!" Liaoshan Shi sent me a short message via mobile phone. This is a good humor, I admit, but her trick still doesn't work, I simply make my hair more tousy to make it appeared to be "disconnected"!

东部小回环流水账 [2]
Feb 7th
在这两位老杭州的指点之下逛遍了西湖北部的景点,逛到下午4点多,具体内容详见游记吧(假如我计划写的话,但至少也会有照片,呵呵),之后他们两位就因故离开,我则干了一件疯狂的事情—— 步行几乎环绕了整个西湖,代价是脚极度不舒服。这些天步行强度都挺大(与日常相比),东部小回环开始后的每日步行距离分别是:2月3日/21.9公里;2月4日/13.5公里;2月5日/19.8公里;2月6日/21.5公里;2月7日/14.8公里。多亏了我那双徒步鞋。
P.S. 本来应该再记上海的。下次吧。晴天钟继续认为15-18日前后黄山将降大到暴雪,期待中!
- 杭州的标志——雷峰塔
- 离开杭州,旅程继续
- 在杭高天文社基地合影(左到右:赵晋、我、林老师、杨毅、刘咏晨)
- 我和瓢虫(杭高内部称谓)
- 韵希(左)和我在庆春门博物馆内

东部小回环流水账 [1]
Feb 5th
第一次住YHA(严格来说是第二次,因为在Stockholm也是住hostel),感觉很不错,床下睡了个巴西人,会用中文说“你好”。一早起来去搞了个面包,啃着逛了月湖,感觉很好,很有地方特色还免费,之后就要拜会认识了4年却还未曾谋面的Vicki同学啦。我打算逛著名的天一阁,但却误以为天一阁和天一广场在差不多同一个地方,最后是在宁波市区内步行了两个多小时才找到天一阁—— 原来就在我住的地方附近。Vicki带我去城隍庙吃小吃,然后送我到火车站。在此也要特别感谢Vicki同学,承蒙她做东招待。

我坐T796到绍兴。绍兴是小回环计划中停留最短的地方—— 仅停留5小时,而且不妙的是我到了绍兴才想起《兰亭集序》中“会于会稽山阴之兰亭”的会稽山原来就在绍兴。还好,我后来知道兰亭是重建的,所以不太遗憾。到鲁迅故居的时候已经过了开放时间,但我却依然十分尽兴,在游记中要专门开一章写绍兴,讲讲鲁迅故居和两条狗的故事。仓桥直街也相当棒,绍兴对于自己的历史文化保护得算是不错,可以打70分。
P.S. 我一直在关注中下旬黄山的天气,大家一起来bless一下到时候黄山能下雪吧!晴天钟的两周预测(准确性较低)说18号会下大雪到暴雪,希望如此!
- 鲁迅故里——绍兴
- 和Vicki在宁波站前合影
- 左到右:谢文鹏、我、陈栋华
- 准备出发啦
Feb 2nd

Feb 1st
- 杨先生家阳台,风景这边独好
- 叶某人拉琴图
- 小提琴、长笛、钢琴三重奏《探戈》
- 丝竹管弦之盛
- 阿饭师兄担纲钢琴
- 迟说这张很有艺术家气质
- 小提琴、长笛、钢琴三重奏《探戈》
- 杨母创意谱架
- 叶某人拉琴图
- 阿饭师兄担纲钢琴伴奏
- 听众
- 叶某人拉琴图
- 才女盼盼盛大压阵
- 大家欣赏盼盼弹琴
Lulin dating compaign: update on Jan. 31
Jan 31st
I drag myself out of bed again at 4:30 a.m. It's another very clear night, with limiting magnitude around 5.4 (using IMO method -- but this do not mean that tonight is better than last night, since last night I had to use a not-well located reference field as the cirrus block the favourite one). I get the 13-cm refractor out and set it up, but it takes me a little bit longer than last night to see the comet.
With a telescope, the sky quality seems to be slightly better than last night, the faintest star I have been able to see is TYC 6174-464-1 at 12.28 mag, but (26) Proserpina (12.5 mag) is still invisible. Galaxy NGC 5890 (at 12.6 mag) is only 10' away according to the map, unsurprisingly it's not visible, too. Tonight I have much more options on comparasion stars -- but the observation doesn't make me feel exciting. I estimate the total brightness of the comet to be around 7.3 mag using Morris method, with six comparasion stars at mag 6.17-7.97, while the coma diameter to be 7'. The comet's look does not change much except a 30" dense core run out tonight. Tonight's estimate is 0.5 mag fainter than that of last night, I think tonight's one is more reliable since only two comparasion stars were used last night.
Shortly before the astronimical twilight starts, I also give a try on NGC 5892, a galaxy about 3 degrees away at 12.0 mag, but with no luck. Seems its surface brightness is still too dim. I then shift back to Lulin and see it off in the twilight (still barely visible even after the nautical twilight started!).
I'm not sure when would the next dating occur. I'll be away for a three-week tour in the country soon, and the rainy season will begin at Guangzhou before I come back. I'll try if I can spot it with naked-eye when I arrive at Mt. Huangshan in mid Feburary.

Second dating with Lulin
Jan 30th
As Comet Lulin is now approaching the Earth, the questions such as "how is your comet" or "did you take look at your comet" frequently fly into my ears. When replying these questions, I'd love to refer the comet as "my girl", and a standard reply is "no, I haven't date with her since last August". What's more, for a co-activity with Lulin's "heaven" show, I let my hair grow to a record length, and promise to my friends that "I will make it up according to the appearance of Lulin's tails". But actually, up to now, I have no time to make it up, and to be honest, no idea on how to make it up. I used to keep my hair very short. (the "public" reason is that the Lulin's tails are generally not visible yet)
As several cold fronts went over the Pearl River Delta around the Chinese New Year's Day, the air quality had improved to a very remarkable level. On Jan. 27, the Air Pollution Index (API) of Guangzhou's downtown was even down to 14 (while the average API of the downtown area is around 70-80). The Astroweather Panel suggested the sky would be clear in the morning of Jan. 30, so I went to my house at the countryside for a 4-day stay on Jan. 28. The air quality there was even more surprising -- with API lower than 4. Such an excellent air quality is rarely seen in the well-polluted Pearl River Delta area.
When I drag myself out of bed at 4 a.m. in the morning of Jan. 30, the sky did cleared up, although not as that good as Astroweather Panel predicted -- there are still a few cirrus on the sky. I checked the values of a nearby meteorological station, the temperature is 9.8C, not very low yet. So I carried by 80-mm f/5 refractor out. Except the cirrus, the sky is remarkably clear, I estimate the limiting magnitude to be 5.1 with IMO method -- also a record for this observing site. I wait for a few minutes until the cirrus move away from Libra, then point the telescope to the area. I don't bring my laptop out -- I was always very lazy and would not bring my laptop to the telescope, until I admit I'm unable remember the exact location of the target I want to observe. But this time I get a bonus, a fuzzy ball appeared in my view within only half a minute. I went into my bedroom, check the finding map, and confirm it's indeed "my girl".
I moved my biggest telescope -- a 13-cm f/6.4 refractor -- into the observing field. The 13-cm has a much better quality than the 8-cm. I point it to the comet, and try to estimate the comet's brightness using Sidgwick method. I'm not a good visual comet observer, and there are not sufficient comparasion stars around the area, so the observasion may be of some errors. The first estimate is 6.1 mag, but shortly after that I find out the comet is just occulting with a 10.72 mag star (TYC 6175-46-1), so I wait until it moves away from the star and make a second estimate. The final estimate is 6.7 mag with coma diameter to be 7'. The comet is slightly elongated over the ecliptic. After observed the comet, I make some attempts to see how deep I can go. A 12.16 mag star (TYC 6175-765-1) is visible, although not easily, but an asteroid nearby (26 Proserpina, around 12.5 mag) can not be seen, so the limiting magnitude for the 13-cm refractor at this night should be around 12.2 mag.
The twilight appears and marks the end of observing, I watch a beautiful sunrise (I always get excited about sunrises and sunsets!) at the observing field before go back to sleep. The visibility is also very remarkable today -- the 50-km away Mount Apoliu is clearly visible in twilight over a small patch of "cloud-sea".
- The first sunshine on a piece of score (taken with N79′s micro-imager function)
- My 13-cm refractor and I in twilight

Greeting the year of Ox
Jan 28th
The world seems to be more and more familiar with Chinese's most imprtant day -- the Spring Festival, or Chinese New Year's Day. I would prefer the later one, as the event is not only a festival, but also the opening of a new year, using "Day" might be better on describing the importance of the day than using "Festival". Although in Chinese language, "festival" or "day" shares the same charactor when refering to the meaning of an annual event ("节", Jie), but it has a very slight different when being translating back into English -- as we generally don't call Christmas Day as "Christmas Festival"! However, in the following, I'll still speak "Spring Festival" since this noun has been used for long.
The coming year will be a year of Ox. Although all the Chinese will enjoy the same festival, there can be large difference on celebration way across the country. Today I'll show you how Cantonese (a.k.a. Guangzhou citizens) celebrate the festival, since I have lived at here for years.

The main entrance of the Tianhe Flower Market (panorama), the big character is "Ox"
The most classic and unique ceremony at Guangzhou for the Spring Festival celebration is the Greet Spring Flower Market ("迎春花市"). This might be the biggest difference compare to the northern cities, since Guangzhou is located in the south of the Tropic of Cancer, the flowers can grow and blossom even in winter. All eight districts, as well as some nearby cities (such as Foshan), will hold Flower Market, but those markets in downtown area are the biggest and hottest.
The market would be opened a few days before the New Year's Eve, but most people will choose the Eve for visit. If you go to the market in the evening of the New Year's Eve, you should be well prepared for heavy crowds. When I was very young, my family went to the Flower Market every year, and the visits were mostly finished by missing someone, because there were too many people.
Why the Cantonese need to buy flowers at the Flower Market? As far as I know, that is partly because an old Chinese saying, "flowers blossom riches and honour". As the flowers are not likely to grow in the most Chinese cities, a blossom flower at the beginning of a year will have a very special meaning.
However, flowers are not the only product at the market. When you visit the market, you will see windmills -- hold in the customers or are being sold. I don't know if buying windmills is also a Cantonese custom, but I doubt if there are any people who would like to hold a windmill in the cold northern cities. The meaning of windmill is quite clear -- because there is a Chinese phase goes as "turning (for good) fortune", and "turn" and "rotate" shares the same Chinese charactor. People believe that good fortune will come in the forthcoming year when the fans rotate.
There are also other habits -- for example, hanging red lantern and the "fortune" sign. The "fortune" sign should be installed up-side-down, why? That is because in Chinese language, the pronunciation of "up-side-down" is similar to "coming", so it's a custom to install the sign up-side-down to welcome the "fortune". It's also a custom to eat fish around the New Year's Day, the reason is somewhat similar: a Chinese saying goes "surplus in every year", and the pronunciation of "surplus" is the same as "fish". The most important custom across the country -- even for those overseas -- is having a family reunion dinner in the New Year's Eve, and this is one of the main reason why many Chinese are willing to board a heavy train back home during the Spring Move.
The Flower Market will close exactly at 12 a.m. of the New Year's Day. The unsold flowers will be ruined, because the custom is that the flowers must be bought and placed before the New Year comes.
According to my parents, in the old days the New Year's Day is the happiest hour for kids in a year, because only that day would the kids to be gave new cloths (must dress on in the New Year's Day), had nice food to eat, and earn lucky money. They would also enjoy a great time with the firecracker. Nowadays our teens will not treat new cloths and nice food as a major entertainment, we are more likely to find ourselves sitting bored at the restraut, while our parents are busying meeting the long-time-no-see relatives with emotion. But after all, there are still something for our teens to be busy with when the new year comes -- sending and replying the flood-in mobile phone messages and e-mails for New Year's greeting!
- The main entrance of the Tianhe Flower Market (panorama), the big character is “Ox”
- Panorama of a corner at Tianhe Flower Market
- The charactor “Ox” at the entrance of Tianhe Flower Market
- Lantern at the Flower Market
- Some teens choose a meaningful way to greet the New Year — become a volunteer
- Policemen’s busy hours; they are not able to enjoy the New Year’s Eve with their families
- Flower Market and the Zhongxin Building (a geographical sign of Guangzhou)
- Someone is advertising his windmills at the Flower Market
- The crowd at the Flower Market
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